Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The State of our Sunrises and my Knee

I've been sad that the days of the super reddish sunrise rays are over. However, as I was going through my photo library, I realized that I'd forgotten to process my photos from one of the best sunrises of the year that occurred about a month ago.

I don't know what factors coalesced to make the sunrise light so red but I loved every moment of it. It may have been that we were on a high plateau at the instant that the sun peeked over the eastern hills. It seems that our early start may have left Shyla sleepy based on her dropping eye lids in the next photo.
I had time to go through my photo library due to my darn knee. I am still babying the knee, trying to see if rest will let it heal and make the swelling finally go away. By "rest", I mean as little weight bearing activity as I can get away with. However, I am still allowed to ride a bike, which keeps me happy. I will follow up with my orthopedic surgeon in a month. Hopefully, I will be well enough healed by then to avoid surgery. My case is sufficiently odd that I may end up having my knee scoped to figure out exactly what happened inside it.

In the meantime, I can still go out for spins with Shyla in the morning. Although the days of incredible sunrise light are behind us for this year, sunsets will get better and better as we head toward springtime!
I hope that I'll be able to join the pack for sunset hikes by then. For now, all dog walking and hiking is off-limits as I try to let my knee heal.

Happy Sunrise Tuesday!


  1. Wow....I didn't realize you had injured your knee. I sure hope it feels better real soon and you can go back to doing what you enjoy! The sun pics of Shyla are gorgeous! Of course, I think the color of her fur coupled with the light makes it even more so!

    1. I partly love chocolate furred dogs so much because of what their fur looks like in the sunrise and sunset light! Every one of my adult dogs has had chocolate fur!

  2. we send healing power for your knee and we agree that is the bestest sunrise ever ;O)))

  3. Such amazing lighting and beautiful photos. We hope the knee decides to cooperate and get better.

  4. Get the knee healed, that's the important thing. And what great light you had on those mornings. The sun creates some beautiful colors.

  5. Hari Om
    You are doing all the right things for your healing - that patience will pay off, I am sure!!! YAM xx

  6. Sunrise and sunset and everything in-between, let that healing continue. Shyla is glowing, and I hope your pain has eased and days are getting better all the time.

  7. Rest for the knee is important, though I know how dreary inactivity can be. I haven't seen a bright sunrise like yours in awhile! It's been so windy and cold here - frostbite weather which keeps me inside. Today , at last, there is less wind and some sunshine so I'll venture out. Bob is plowing from the last storm.

    1. It's been similar weather here, minus the fresh snow. Methinks that a trip to the desert is in order. I'm glad that you got out today!

  8. so sorry you can't walk, i know how much you love it and i imagine both dogs are wondering why is mommy not walking with us.. no way to explain it to them... double wow on this red glow of the sunset.

  9. Those are truly gorgeous photos. We are happy you re-discovered them. As for the knee - bah humbug!!! Good for doing your part with the resting - we will do our part with the prayers and paw crossing.

  10. Beautiful pictures. I am glad you can stll bike. Praying that you heal.

  11. I'm so glad you can still get out on your bike. I'm not sure you'd stay sane otherwise. ;)
    I can imagine how difficult it is for you to give in to "rest" but just remember that will probably pay off in the long run. Hang in there!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. You have me figured out. My sanity is completely linked to being able to get out (especially on my bike)!

  12. Such gorgeous photos, so glad you found them...but sorry it was because of your knee. Sending pawsitive thoughts that it heals quickly!

  13. Paws crossed that your knee will heal
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. Love your colorful photos, Shyla! We hope rest will help your knee, KB.

  15. It's hard to stay off a bum knee but in the long run will make a difference in the healing process. At least you can ride out in beautiful nature.

  16. Such beautiful photos! We hope the magic healing bubbles will get to you soon,, to make your knee all better.


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