Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A Quiet Desert Sojourn

We recently headed away from our high altitude mountain home to spend a few weeks in the Utah desert. We and the Duo enjoyed playing in the beauty of the desert.

We continue to revel every time that R is with us displaying his full exuberance. This dog has had at least nine lives, and his elbow has too. We're so happy to see him run next to his sister.
This was our earliest trip to the Utah desert ever. We learned that springtime does not visit the Utah desert until April!  The weather wasn't truly warm until our last two days there. A few small flowers were emerging at the end of March, and the earliest migratory birds were arriving. It was fun to see the very earliest signs of desert spring slowly unfold.

Our last evening was warm enough to relax while watching the sunset above the unique desert rock formations.
Happy Springtime to everyone who doesn't live in the mountains. For us, spring won't truly arrive until late May. Last year, we had a big snowstorm in the second half of May!


  1. hubby is from PA and he said he never planted anything until June 1st because frost/snow could come at any time until then. i did not know the desert would be cold, i thought deserts were always hot except at night. I drove through Utah on the interstate years ago and it really is beautiful.. it was January and the sun was shining and along a river we saw, there were people laying on blankets in the sun and i was freezing. someone in a truck stop said Utah takes sun bathing any time they can get it

  2. Enjoy those trips away, down here mornings are so dark later and later, sun is setting earlier, and leaves are changing colour. Beautiful sky line. I wonder if anyone lived there in earlier times?

  3. You look so happy racing alongside Shyla, R!

  4. It's so nice to see R having such a grand time!

  5. Hari OM
    Glad you got some 'time out' in the desert... as for spring. Nope, still waiting as more snow falls on the Bishops Seat and Kilbride Hill...YAM xx

  6. Ya, I bet it wasn't very warm. It's been really chilly since we got back. But.....the beauty of the desert.....

  7. I'm camped 20 miles north of Moab...this morning 34 degrees and windy :) Forecast looks good tho...

    1. We may be back out that way later this spring! Let the sun shine!!!

  8. As someone above commented, no planting here northwest of DC until mid-May. Too much danger of a late frost! Spring is very slow to arrive this year.

    1. Wow, I am surprised by that. I plant my hardy veggie seeds before the last frost and snow... but I bet that planting live plants is another matter.

  9. Even if the weather wasn't quite what you would have preferred, it is always good to get away. It sure looks like R and Shyla enjoyed their time in the desert.

  10. It looks beautiful there, and getaways are always good even if the conditions aren't perfect. We'll be waiting a while longer for spring here too, though at least our snow is melting away.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Absolutely beautimous!!! Labraduo
    Hugs madi and mom

  12. Yep. We totally know how late in the year we can get snow. Looks like the pups are loving running around out there.

  13. Looks like a beautiful getaway...even if it wasn't as warm as usual. :-)

  14. I know I'm in the minority but I hope we have some snow in May too like last year. Winter has not been very kind to us, changing snow into strictly wind. Both 4 lettered words, but I'm not impressed with the switch-eroo.

    1. I agree with you. Although I start to yearn for flowers and warmth at this time of year, I also know the terror of a very dry year like this one. In 2012, we were evacuated due to fires multiple times, and I don't want to go through that kind of summer again. Let it snow!

  15. You do live a charmed life and I know you appreciate it

  16. We didn't get any substantial snow until February so I'm not getting antsy yet. But spring doesn't get here until May either - I'm in the mountains as well! - and my first spring here by that point I was getting scared because there were no leaves on the trees! I wondered if they'd all died! But then one morning, *poof*, leaves. Silly maybe but I hadn't lived anywhere with winter since I was a young child.

  17. We got down to 17 last night so winter is trying to hang on. We have had lots of wind which makes even the warmer days seem cold and miserable.
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. When you talk about getting away to these special places,,,, we can feel what you say!


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