Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

With every passing day, I adore our black dog even more. He keeps me on my toes because he's so mischievous (he ran off to explore just after this photo)! He has a mind of his own but he's learned how to listen to me most of the time over the years.

During this trip to the desert, I made sure to get some time with him and my camera. With his age having reached double digits at the end of last year, I don't want to miss a single day when he can still run like the wind!

I also don't want to miss a chance to see his eyes sparkle with happiness as he sprints to me across a mesa!
We all love you, R!

He has an ultrasound tomorrow to check on the tumors on his adrenal gland and spleen that were deemed to be probably benign a few months ago. I feel fairly confident that the conclusion will be the same this time... but you all know how it is. I won't totally relax until we hear the results.


  1. R is soooo beautiful, love the floppy ears when on the go.... the sun makes him shine like ebony...

  2. prayers for a good and safe health report

  3. Hari OM
    POTP for a positive report... and loving these photos! YAM xx

  4. R is such a happy boy.
    How could one not smile at him.
    happy crazy love to R.
    POTP for good results.
    xo Astro

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  6. You are such a handsome boy, R! My paws are crossed for you!

  7. It's so wonderful when older dogs still run like puppies! Go, R! We'll be thinking good thoughts for tomorrow, we know exactly how you feel.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. R looks totally amazing and wonderful flying about! Purrs for an uneventful Vet visit.

  9. What a great idea to dedicate your Sunday posts to R. I hope the test results will be good, but I know how it is. He looks healthy and happy. I think we learn from them that today is all we really have for sure.

  10. We know all too well how it is! We'll be praying for R!!! He looks GREAT!

  11. All the best to R and you for his tests to show things are still OK. He is just SO handsome.

  12. Lovely how you truly appreciate your time together.

  13. It's difficult to believe R is that old. He doesn't have a grey muzzle at all or is he using one of those "Just for Men" products to cover it up. BOL!

  14. He is a true miracle. We aill say a prayer for good results

  15. These are fabulous photographs - I especially love the last one! Good luck on your test, R!

  16. Such a lovely desert backdrop to highlight your handsome fella.

  17. Champion R !! Sending good thoughts!


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