Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Desert Silhouette Sunday

This is a different kind of silhouette than I usually post. It was after the sun had gone down on Shyla's mesa but was still shining on the towering cliff to the east of our campsite.

The Duo had fun racing each other across the mesa, and I had fun capturing their silhouettes as they did it!
I love the golden hour in the desert, illuminating the reddish soil and golden rock walls. The Duo and I had such fun playing on Shyla's mesa each evening!


  1. I love the words, Shyla's Mesa, could be a book title... and silhouettes are a huge favorite, these are perfect black against that golden glow and shows their fluid movement as they ran

  2. I love the first one - seems to capture their relationship and joy completely :)

  3. OMCs we don't know how you do silhouettes but OMCs are the wonderful
    Hugs madi and Mom

  4. Exquisite silhouettes. Love the golden plateaus in the background.

  5. What fun shots!! Love them!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  6. We love these silhouettes. It looks like the Duo enjoy the desert as much as you do.

  7. So much magic was captured in these photos!
    We love them!

  8. I like this type of silhouette too.
    Glad you all glad fun in UT.
    XO Astro

  9. These photos are absolutely magnificent, even by your own very high standards!


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