Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Desert Views from the Ground and the Air

At one desert campsite that we love, a ridge of spires sits on the horizon. You can see it to the left on the horizon in this photo.

I love those spires. Over the years, I've taken photos of all of  our dogs with the spires in the background.

And here's a closer up of sweet Shyla with the blurry spires in the background.

On this visit, I decided to use my drone to view the spires from above.

I decided that they looked a bit less dramatic from high above them so I did a flight where the drone was floating at about the same elevation as the spires. This is one photo from it. The top of one spire is in the lower left of the photo.
If you look out to the lower right of the photo, you can see a white speck. That's our campsite with the LabMobile sitting in it.

I made a video with my drone floating around the spires that you might enjoy. You can watch it here or at Youtube.


  1. Such a beautiful place and we loved the drone views...we felt like we were there!

  2. Hari OM
    I needed a bit of warm dry desert to look at this dreary damp morning! YAM xx

  3. the drones eye view is amazing, the video i mean. and i love the pic with the tiny RV as a white dot. what a gorgeous place for a vacation.... in the video it is so sharp and clear i felt like i could touch them.

  4. Wow - the spires are absolutely incredible!

  5. Beautiful. The desert looks really good right now, we woke up to 6 inches of snow.

  6. Truly breathtaking photos!! OMCs.
    I just noticed what I think is a bell on Shyla's collar. Mom told me it might be a 'bear' bell.
    She remembered when they were hiking on Mt. Roberts in Alaska the guide had a bear bell on her back sack.
    We hope R's appointment went well
    Hugs madi and mom

  7. What a beautiful video. It's interesting to see all the chunks that have fallen off the spires. I would love to know how much they have changed over the years you've been going there.

  8. So beautiful! The photos from above almost make me dizzy!

  9. 'Wow!!!Soo beautiful!!I wish to travel there:))))

  10. Wow, from the tips to the very depths, that is amazing.

  11. Amazingly beautiful and of course we love redrock too!

  12. All the many gorgeous photos you have over all the years would make some amazing coffee table books. These are so beautiful.

  13. Hi KB, wonderful photos of the area you love to camp at. So beautiful! That drone is one great tool. I didn't get to connect with Val when we were in Kauai, so sad at what's happened over the weekend.

  14. All the different shapes and sizes are so cool! How wonderful to get to see things like this from a different angle, thanks to your drone!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Your photos really make it look beautiful there.

  16. I think you have the happiest drone in the world,, to be able to go up above those beautiful cliffs and just soar! And we love the music too,,,, The photos and music all go together so well!

  17. Goodness there are so many faces in those spires, they are like sentinels looking out over the landscape. Incredible beauty.


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