Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 6, 2018

Flower Friday in the Desert

While we were in the desert, very few flowers were blooming so we focused more on the big picture of astounding rocks sculpted by wind and rain.

Then, to our delight, the Runner found some red Indian Paintbrush up on top of some rocks that he climbed.

He found a low angle way to climb up to the top with me so that I could see them. My spine won't let me go straight up rock faces like he can do! I was so happy to see this sign of spring.

They were desert Indian Paintbrush, eking out a fragile existence by growing in the cracks among the rocks.

Those were the only fully blooming flowers that we saw while in the desert. Thank goodness that we went there for more than the flowers. Watching R romp in the desert made us smile as much as any flower.
Happy Flower Friday!


  1. Hari OM
    that is a most BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL flower. Thank you to the Runner for making the effort to bring this back so you could share it with us! YAM xx

  2. i love your living flowers best, the one with furs...i would love to see this paintbrush flower. never have. i love desert flowers and miss the blogger who used to show them to us... i live in tropical and desert is exotic, people in the desert want to see tropical..... that is why i love blogging. that is a real climb, scared me looking at it.. glad you could get up there with your camera

  3. WOW, those are such bright and pretty flowers!

  4. What a pretty little flowers. It sure looks like you had some great weather when you were there.

  5. Oh my goodness! The Indian Paintbrush is so striking and so beautiful!

  6. What beautiful Indian Paintbrshes...love the contrast of the red flower against the red rock!! I also love seeing R's smiling face!
    Rosy, Arty & Jakey

  7. Glorious bright red, what a contrast with the rocks. No wonder you so enjoy that part of your world.

  8. Red Indian Paintbrushes are gorgeous. OMCs Runner is very agile...
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. That paintbrush is beautiful And we thank the Runner for giving you a chance to see this pretty bloom.

  10. Gorgeous splash of color! I am amazed at the runner's climbing skills. No way I could do that.

  11. I'm so happy R is doing well. When I opened up my blog again after all this time, I started to worry, both about my friends who are my age, you know anything can happen, and also about R and some other dogs I care about. I love your pictures, as always.

  12. Amazing what can grow up between the rocks!
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. Aren't those beautiful! The resilience of nature is amazing sometimes. And of course, so has R's been - go, R! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Oh my gosh! You found treasures,, beautiful treasures!


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