Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Thankful for the Desert and Shyla

I am so thankful to have had time in the desert with our pack. Last year, we didn't get much spring time in the desert due to Shyla's epilepsy. Her recent seizure has reminded me of how much better she is doing than a year ago.

Yes, Shyla, we'd all love to squeeze our eyes closed and forget about that bad phase.

She and I had tons of fun together on our recent desert trip. I especially love sunset with her because of the light and the amazing color of the boulders.

She's learned to be a great model, except for her tendency to squint into the setting sun. I have to click the shutter lots of times to get a picture of her beautiful eyes. But I understand that!

And then she shoots me a look like this one, and she melts my heart.
Although I still often wish that she could shed her fears and leave them totally behind us, I am incredibly grateful for the fact that she totally trusts me. She's funny and sweet. What else could I want?


  1. Hari OM
    A gorgeous gal-dog is Shyla! YAM xx

  2. So happy that you two have one another. Lovely photos.

  3. Shyla is a natural super model and photographs of her in the desert sun are amazing.
    She has come a long way.
    Hugs madi and mom

  4. Her eyes are like molten gold in that last picture. She is one of the most beautiful dogs I've ever seen and the sunlight just makes her coat gorgeous. I love the booties

  5. You are a doll, Shyla, and you and your mom are the most perfect team♥

  6. Shyla sure is a stunning gal and we always love seeing her beautiful face!

  7. More beautiful pictures of a most beautiful girl. I think it is amazing how well Shyla copes and how much joy she has in her life. Not every creature can rebound or recover, and those are the heartbreak situations, I think. Hugs to Shyla!

  8. Such sweet pictures of your beautiful girl.

  9. I totally relate to that. I wish Luke could know and love more people. But he is absolutely the best dog ever with us. I think we have to accept them as they are, and just enjoy them. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

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  11. She may be fearful, but with you she is safe and she knows that. You are both lucky to have each other.


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