Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

I think that our Black Dog has luxuriated in the sun for the last time for a little while. The entire ten day forecast is for rain.

The clouds have moved in and have reduced the visibility to about zero, except for a few brief moments when the clouds part.

Both of our dogs adore this weather. It's not hot so they can run as hard as they want to. Usually, warmth is what slows them down.

I don't love this weather as much as they do but I'll be hoping that the rains mean that our meadows are filled with golden flowers before too long!

I'm going to take a min-break from blogging. I'll post a few times per week but not as frequently as usual.
I'll be back to my normal schedule before too long. I just need to recharge after working hard for a while and consequently feeling exhausted.


  1. i will be waiting. when i saw the title, i smiled and thought we have three dog night, dog days of summer and my favorite is Black Dog Sunday... hugs to all of you and enjoy your break.

  2. All the photos are great but the one in the golden meadow is outstanding!

  3. You sure look so handsome and happy R!

  4. You are such a handsome happy boy, R! Enjoy your break, KB.

  5. R you all enjoy your break....no rain here just the HOTS!!
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. Here's to a very rejuvenating break. Take good care and be kind to yourself. BTW, Happy (fur)Mom's Day.

  7. R looks so good in the sunshine. We hope you get some good rain, but not too much. With some major chimney reconstruction in the works here, we do not want much rain at all. Enjoy your break and come back refreshed.

  8. Oh R, you look most handsome in the fields! I thinks i would loves to run with you and Shyla! I hopes your Moms has a most wonderful Mother's Day!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  9. Take it easy and recharge - what a good plan! And I hope your energy level will rise along with the groundwater :)

  10. R you are so beautiful!
    Take some time to rest KB... we all need rest,,, and I hope you get some rain too,, to bring more flowers!

  11. Love your contemplative and action shots. I do hope it will rain in Breckenridge. we sure need the moisture. (Of course, I can say that because I'm at the beach!)

  12. I'm glad you're letting yourself take a little break. :)


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