Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thankful Thursday - A warm place to hide during freezing spring days

We are in the midst of a few days of soaking fog and temperatures near freezing. This is as yucky as the weather gets around here. I am so thankful for our wood fire, keeping me feeling cozy and reasonably upbeat.

We saw this front sitting in the forecast for days ahead of time so I did some long mountain bike rides and checked a lot of trail cams in the days leading up to it. Then, the grayness descended.

The elk herd moved to a meadow near us, which is usually a fail-proof sign that some bad weather is headed our way.

Not all of the bull elk have shed their antlers yet. This guy suspiciously kept his eye on me.

Shyla and I headed out for our usual mountain bike ride this morning but we didn't last for long. The water in the air completely soaked me in no time. With the temperature only a bit above freezing, it was a recipe for hypothermia so I headed home after a short ride.

Now we are firmly ensconced at home, hoping for better weather for outdoor activities very soon. I'm glad for the moisture that will ease the fire danger a bit but I hate being stuck inside.
I am full of gratitude that we have a warm place where we can hide during these cold and wet "shoulder season" days!


  1. Hari OM
    I could do with snuggling down today - close to freezing here, which is just stoopid... sigh... YAM xx

  2. well the pups look happy and warm and beautiful ... love the rain drops and glad you have a warm and cozy place to wait it out. that is a LOT OF ELK. wow...

  3. Anything that can reduce fire risk is awesome. I know, I'm in the mountains a couple of states north, it's fire country here too. But chilly spring rain is no fun to be out in, even if it smells lovely.

  4. Rain is actually worse than snow sometimes. At least snow can be dry. Snuggle those pups, and stay warm.

  5. Having just come in from an abbreviated dog walk this morning in the cold rain in the city, I appreciate your post. It's times like these I regret not having a fireplace but seeing a photo of yours actually made me feel a bit warmer. 😊

  6. A good warm fire is hard to beat when it's cool. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Our fire is lit, a tad before 6 a.m. today, no frost but still cool.The elk, magnificent animals, and what knowledge they have, I wonder where they all go when the snow is so deep earlier on in your real winter time.

  8. Oh my I just love how your mind works, how your eyes see things I'd never see and most of all thank you for all the lovely photos of wildlife. I learned a lot about Colorado weather an how to read it too via the animals.
    We wish you lots of warmth today and snuggles
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. How we wish that we could send you some of our heat. We put our ac in the window today. It's close to 90 degrees! ICK!

  10. If we weren't roasting right now, that fire would look mighty inviting! We are having our air conditioner replaced and are hoping against hope it will be up and running by close of business today. This house gets way too hot (especially for the pups) without it! LOVE the pic of R and Shyla together. That is incredibly powerful!

  11. It's finally nice here after weeks of cold and rain. I hope you get some spring soon.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  12. Bummer on the yucky weather. Hope you have sun soon so you can out and enjoy your beautiful world.

  13. The pups look so cozy...that says it all! We're having a couple days of summer weather here, then things should get back to normal by the weekend. I hope for no more freezing temperatures!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. That last picture is beyond adorable. Is R keeping one eye on you and your camera? It has been freezing here too, I think it will be warm next week. Hope it will move east if it arrives - spring I mean.

  15. We are having lovely spring weather. Maybe we can send some your way
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. Its good to be home by the fire,, isnt it?


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