Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Spring Sky

On our morning mountain bike ride, I continued to revel in the green leaves and deep blue sky.

Moreover, I realized that I could "look" straight upward with my camera. I lost my ability to crane my neck to look straight upward 8 years ago when I had a 4 level fusion in my neck. I loved being able to overcome that deficiency with my camera!

What a gorgeous view!!

I have to say that springtime is my favorite season by far. I think that Shyla concurs!
I love the colors and the feeling that summer adventures stretch out almost endlessly into the future.


  1. I am loving the upward view your camera sees, might have to try this. a few years ago I did it and forgot about that view.... I did not have surgery but old age has made it so I can't look straight up or very far to either side. looking over my shoulder while drivng gets harder each day

  2. Hari om
    Liks you I can't look up...but in my case it's vertogo. The Fudge does it for me! Those shots are spectacular!!! YAM xx

  3. Beautiful shots and love the blue sky! Mom loves spring but me and Stanley think it is already too hot.

    Keep Calm & Spring On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. The Aspens look so tall looking up to that beautiful blue sky!

  5. What a pawsome perspective that looking up to spring provides! Well done.

  6. Golly Gee those are beautiful upward photos and very tall trees
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. Upwards. they are wonderful. and the meadow with flowers, tall trees and Shyla, the true image of how I think of you in your spring time days.

  8. We don't know how you do it, but every day you give us the most amazingly beautiful photos.

    As for Spring, we think i went on vacation here very quickly - it is HOT!!!

  9. Those really are amazing, things are looking up!

  10. We are really enjoying the spring weather this year.
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. Those straight up photos are pretty amazing!

  12. Spring is such a time of excitement and hope, isn't it? I think the colors and warmth it brings just energize and inspire us! Love the shots looking up, I might have to try that!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. It looks like you and the boys are really enjoying the spring

  14. Crikey ..... that first photo ...... how beautiful!!!!!!!!

  15. FABulous shots!!! You knows, if it weren't for all the animal poopies, you could lay on the ground and see the same thingie! Though, you wouldn't be able to share with all of us!
    Have fun gurls!
    Ruby ♥

  16. it#s breathtaking... I saw it yesterday at instagram and I wished to catch such a wonderful moment too ;O)))

  17. We'll be home next week. I hope my aspens have some leaves. It's so green by you! Those are some tall trees!

  18. Thank you for sharing KB.. We love this too


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