Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Full Moon!

It is the season when I am overwhelmed by the beauty around us. The wildflowers are blooming, the grass is green, and the mountains still have a picturesque layer of snow on them.

Although it is a perfect time of year for daylight beauty, spring and summer usually aren't good seasons for seeing full moons. Afternoon thunderstorms leave clouds that linger into the evening. However, for the most recent full moon, we lucked out because the clouds cleared by the time the moon rose.

We and our friends hiked to a beautiful viewpoint after our "Full Moon Dinner".  We raptly waited for the first glow of the moon over the ridge to the east of us.

Then, the first fraction of the moon rose into the very light clouds that enhanced the moonrise.

 Up, just a bit more until just a few trees touched it.

 And then, we saw the beauty of the fully risen moon in the clouds that it lit up in orange.
It was our lucky night. I sometimes go all summer without being able to see the actual full moon as it rises.

I love the beauty of our world!


  1. Hari OM
    Gorgeous! We were fortunate with our skies too - main problem here is the moisture in the air causing focusing to be troublesome. Not a problem for you! YAM xx

  2. OH WOW WOW… I just realized I have never seen a moon rise, ever. I have seen it set but not rise. this is stunning. I did not know it looked like this, just like a sunrise but not....

  3. My word above I have never in my life seen a moon rise like that. I'm nearly speechless.
    Thank you for sharing your the beauty of our world that you see from your world
    Hugs madi and mom

  4. Wow - the full moon rising photos are just beautiful, KB!

  5. That same full moon was down here the other night, but it was TOO cold to go out and set up the tripod. Beautiful sequence, and to share that moment with friends would have been truly wonderful.

  6. WOW!!! Not just the composition, but the colors...WOW!!!

  7. oh my your photos are GLORIOUS!! Just fabulous!! Thank you so much for your kind words about Dakota too! xoxo DakotasDen

  8. Gorgeous! Moon rises over the mountains can be so spectacular! I'll never forget watching the moon rise over the ocean while atop of a mountain in Maine. That was pretty awesome too!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Thank you for sharing such beauty with us - amazing photos!!!

  10. That took our breath away!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. HOLY COW PATTIES! Those pics are BEAUTIFULS!!!!!! Thanks for sharing them with us....um...are there any leftovers from 'dinner'???? ☺
    Ruby ♥

  12. Beautiful! I bet in winter it's just about bright enough to read by with a full moon and all the snow, the way it is here. I had no idea moonlight could be so bright before I moved to the mountains!

  13. Truly exquisite! I think I heard the angels sing.


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