Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Summer Joy!

Our year has been parched - with very little snow and then a mostly dry spring. I thought that my favorite meadow flowers were not going to bloom this year. They are orange flowers that form a gorgeous carpet on our meadows.

After I had given up on them, they bloomed!!!!  Shyla and I have been joyously playing in them.

I don't know how long they'll last without rain but we'll enjoy them while they're here. You can see a few irises mixed into the meadow as well.

And, a little secret - a moose calf was born nearby. Her mom has been hanging out near my friends' pond where I have a trail camera, and the calf is SO cute, galloping around joyfully
I'll be sharing footage of the moose calf playing sometime soon!


  1. what a fabulous stage decoration for a pup... and we love the wildlife...

  2. Hari OM
    Yummy yellow meadow... and sssqqquueeeeeee... who doesn't love a baby anything??!!! YAM xx

  3. oh joy on the baby moose, soooooooooo adorable. can't wait to see more

  4. Baby Moose!! They are so cute! Momma feels safe their, they like to have their babies near houses if possible because they know the predators aren't there.

  5. That field of yellow posies if gorgeous but Shyla is the star.
    That baby moose is too precious. Looking forward to more on it.
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. Shyla looks so happy romping through the meadow flowers! The baby moose is just too cute!

  7. Flowers and a new baby moose, what joy in spring to see these.

  8. Shyla looks so confident, happy, and beautiful! Love the baby moose!!!!

  9. What a beautiful field of yellow Shyla is running through...and OMD, what an adorable baby moose!

  10. We bet you are loving that field of flowers. We so enjoyed the bear videos. We know we will be delighted with seeing the baby moose in action.

  11. OMD, those flowers are just amazin'!!!!! And, WOWSA! Could that baby moose be any cuter??????
    Ruby ♥

  12. What a sweet baby and mom photo. I bet the little one is having a blast!

  13. Those fields of flowers are beautiful. We can't wait to see more of the moose calf.

  14. What an adorable sight that baby moose is--all legs! LOVE it.

  15. The wild plants seem to deal better with the weather extremes than those we plant. We had so much snow this winter, and then a very wet April, but it's been pretty dry since. I've had trouble getting some of my spring veggie plantings going, but the weeds seem to be thriving! LOL
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. I just love those photos! Boy do you have a lot of animal action going on there!


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