Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sunset from Hug Hill

On a recent evening, we'd planned to go out to dinner but the fire danger made us reluctant to leave the dogs alone. So, we decided to have a picnic atop Hug Hill instead!

We hiked up, and arrived just before the sun dipped below the mountains. So, I had to take some some photos of Shyla in the sunset light.

I adore that light!

Then, as we ate our dinner, the clouds lit up as the sun fell below the horizon.

The colors gradually got darker.

Just before dusk, only a shimmer remained on the edge of a cloud.
It was a relaxing way to spend an evening, with us humans together with our Labraduo! It was so nice that Mother Nature put on such a gorgeous sunset for us!


  1. Nice catch, Shyla! What a gorgeous sunset!

  2. that sun is AMAZING and it makes her look amazing and the second shot made me laugh out loud. her expression is pricless

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow, what beautiful photos! I want to move back to Texas so badly - I miss that kind of gorgeous sunset :(

  5. That was fun sweet Shyla such a beautiful scene!

  6. Glorious glows, and the clouds as the sun sets, so beautiful. I hope the fire danger gets les and life is safer for everyone there.

  7. The sun surely loves the Shyla and we kinda like the idea of a family picnic with such beautiful view.
    All we have around here, even in parks, is cars and we aren't high enough to see sunsets like that
    I could not leave the pups either with those threats hovering around you
    Hugs Madi's Mom

  8. A hilltop picnic sounds PERFECT!! The lighting is just stunning, as is Shyla!

  9. Shyla looks beautiful in that lighting, and the clouds are just magnificent.

    Happy Father's Day to your Dad.

  10. A beautiful sunset and perfect lighting for fun photos is the perfect ending to a day at home.

    If the fires are near you, stay safe my friend!

  11. now THAT is MUCH better than going out to dinner! DakotasDen

  12. I'd prefer that over going out to dinner any day. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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