Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Thankful Thursday - My Sweet and Goofy Shyla

On this Thankful Thursday, I am thanking my lucky stars that I have Shyla in my life.

Most acquaintances who know Shyla would never believe how she behaves when she and I are alone. If I pull out my camera, she starts posing without me even suggesting what she might do.

She usually has a strong opinion about what she wants to do. Today, it was "sit pretty", her current favorite trick. I tend to let her choose rather than try to change her mind.
Her face looks to me like she's laughing! When her face is so relaxed, I laugh along with her.

We recently took a course on play as a therapy for canine fearfulness. We were the slowest team in the class at learning to play. It was really hard and frustrating until, on one random day, we clicked! The course is over but we've kept playing... and it's been good for both of us.
I feel happy that we took the course on play - it taught us to be a goofy girl and her goofy dog. Because we were slow, we really just learned how to play but not how to apply it to her fears. I suspect that we'll take the course again - so that we can work on the fear rehabilitation part of the equation.

In any case, I am thankful for my happy Shyla. She's such a sweet girl who wants nothing more than to make her humans laugh. That's wonderful!


  1. You are so adorable, Shyla - and so very pretty!

  2. What adorable photos! Such a sweet girl. Hmmm, a course on play - how interesting! My little one often wants to play, and I'm not sure what to do with her, besides chasing each other around, lol; maybe I should look into that :)

  3. Oh Shyla, you are such a cute sweetie! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. She is so funny! I love how she poses for you like that.

  5. KB, was that the "Relationship-Building Through Play"class at Fenzi Academy?

    Yes, Shyla's face looks so relaxed and happy in those photos. I bet yours was, too!

    Chris from Boise

    1. It wasn't that one. It was "Dealing with the Bogeyman - Helping Fearful, Reactive, and Stressed Dogs". As I said, we had a lot of trouble figuring out how to play. In general, it seemed as if dogs who shut down (as opposed to barking at scary things) had the most trouble letting loose and playing. We now are pretty good at playing so I am hopeful that we will see some of the miraculous recovery that other dogs in the class experienced.

  6. Shyla, you are a sweetheart. The "sit pretty" pose is so adorable. Both of you are so lucky to have each other. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos and have a great day.
    World of Animals

  7. I'll second that ... thanks for Shyla and thanks for all our wonderful fourlegged friends

  8. Shyly absolutely a lovely and fun fill session. OMCs not only are you gorgeous but you have great balance and know how to work the cameraLADY. I had no idea I pup your size could sit on her hind section.. well done
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. Wow! I don't think I've ever seen Shyla so relaxed and happy! Great shots!

  10. her sit pretty and that goofy smile had me smiling so big my face hurts

  11. I truly believe we can have an even stronger bond with dogs that are shy and fearful; probably because we mostly get them all to ourselves! It's always a joy when they do something new and are so happy about it. And she sure looks happy! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Hari om
    That is a most pawfeshunull pksd, shyla!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  13. Such fun, and what a wonderful goofy smile.

  14. Timber likes to sit pretty too, Lightning can't seem to manage his balance. And Misty would rather dance:) Shyla looks so happy when she is with you, it is hard to believe she is a fearful dog, but we understand.

  15. What an awesome gift she is! Her eyes just sparkle -- you can feel her happiness!

  16. You can see how happy Shyla is when she is sitting pretty. We've been seeing the reports on the news about wild fires in Colorado and hope none of them are near you.

  17. She looks so happy!! FUn Fun Fun!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. BOL!!! OMD, those are the bestest pics!!! I thinks you are a secret class clown gurl!
    Ruby ♥

  19. love seeing how happy she is and by the way, how beautiful it is in your neck of the woods. Love the cheerful background too.

  20. What a lovely smile and such a spirit lifter for everyone.

  21. She is so cute and silly all in one. Glad she is nice and relaxed with you.

  22. Absolutely LOVE the sitting up poses! Way too adorable. I'm so jealous because neither of my pups will have anything to do with that. Even with high values treats!

  23. Shyla looks so totally happy and relaxed in these pictures - what a great job you've done raising this girl, KB!
    And a class like that would probably be good for Piper and me also, but I think I'm probably the one who would have the hardest time learning to play...


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