Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 16, 2018

A New Bear Comes to our Neck of the Woods

We just had a new male bear arrive in our neck of the woods. He has ear tags, and I suspect that he got into garbage in town because some uncaring person didn't secure their food/garbage. Then, they called wildlife authorities when a bear got into their food/garbage or birdfood. This is the typical scenario but I don't know whether it's true for this bear.

Anyway, as he walked toward my trail camera, his head looked really big. Then, I saw the ear tags, and I sat frozen with fear that the bear was Tiny. Ear tags mean that a bear has "one strike" against them for a transgression in the vicinity of humans. The bear will be shot if he gets in trouble again.

When the new bear sniffed the marking tree, it became clear that he was much smaller than Tiny. I don't know why the fur is missing from his hind legs but it does make his hind legs look very skinny.

This is Tiny in exactly the same spot. His nose reached the same place on the leaning tree when Tiny was SITTING on the ground!
The new bear had better steer clear of Tiny!

Here's video of each of them checking out and marking the tree.


  1. I hope all the best for the new bear... if he is smaller than tiny how you will name him?

  2. We would be very sad if the "bears" were shot
    just for getting into trash. Is there no relocation
    for the offenders?
    xo Astro and Mitzie

    1. Yes, they usually are relocated when they are tagged. I bet that this guy was passing through my area as he tried to get back to his home range after being relocated. Sadly, the majority of tagged bears do make it back to where they originally lived and go back to the behaviors that got them into trouble in the first place. Sorry to be such a downer... I hope that this guy bucks the trend and finds a new home.

  3. Hari Om
    That's quite the size difference. Could be a sort of mange on the new bear? If living on garbage and not really doing well 'wild' as Tiny is, it would affect its immunity I guess. YAM xx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We wish the new bear good luck and the photos are very cool. Milo,Jet & Arli

  6. It's a pity that peeps who know that bears live in the vicinity, can't be more mindful of trash and bird food. It's for their safety and that of the bears! Tiny is really one huge bear!

  7. Love the bears! How odd with the legs; could they have been shaved for some kind of treatment when he was being tagged? Yet they patches look pretty ragged...

  8. I think the tagged bear should be named Biggun…. there really is a big difference in him and tiny. sad about the tags

  9. His legs look kinda weird. I wish him all the best in a wild life.

  10. I can't believe they punish a bear for acting like a bear! :( Good luck to this handsome fella.

  11. We have a bear down on our street in Boulder that has no hair on its hind legs and rear end. We wondered if bears got mange? Do you know.

    1. Bears do get mange but it's usually during the winter while they hibernate. I am puzzled. Perhaps I will send these images to a bear specialist to see what they think.

  12. OMCs It looks as if his hind legs have been shaved. He best be respectful of Tiny's Territory
    Hugs madi and mom

  13. His legs almost appear to have been shaven! Very odd. Let's hope he stays away from trouble.

  14. Did they shave his legs when the ear tags were put in? Maybe some scars or sores there? He looks huge, but with Tiny for comparison, is a lot smaller? Tinny? Funny they both like that same tree.

  15. We sure hope this new guy can find his way to some safer(from humans) territory!

  16. Tiny really IS a big boy. We wish the best for the new male bear - he needs you to give him a good name.

  17. Wow, looks like the new bear is a troublesome kind of guy. We hope he stays away from town and from Tiny, but we would love to see him on your cam now and then.

  18. Oh, I don't think tagging is a bad thing here in NH? I thought they just randomly tagged them so the biologists can track things.
    Our local news today has the story of an elderly woman attacked by a bear inside her own home. I have the feeling there's a lot more to the story that we don't know, but it sounds like the bear got trapped inside her house after getting in through an unsecured door, and freaked out when she confronted it. :( They are looking for him now. Our Fish & Game wardens are good though...they consider everything before deciding what is best to be done. They know how difficult humans can make it for the bears to co-exist peacefully.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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