Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Black Dog and Sunset Sunday

Early in the past week, we had a wonderful sunset walk. Our Black Dog enjoyed it as much as we did!
He is such an incredibly happy dog, and we feel so lucky to share our lives with him!

After playing with the Duo, the sunset got underway, and it was special!
I loved how the peaks in the clouds mimicked the mountain peaks.

As time went on, the orange deepened.

And then a Hermit Thrush started singing his heart out very close. These birds touch my heart with their soulful flute-like singing. They sing only for a month or so while they are nesting. We will hear them for another two weeks at most. If you want to see and hear them, this is a fabulous video of a Hermit Thrush singing.

And then the sunset reached its grand finale before the colors began to fade to pastels.
I love long summer evenings spent hiking, playing with the Duo, listening to Hermit Thrushes, and watching a brilliant sunset.


  1. the songs were beautiful and they were 'talking' to each other. I love the red glow of the sunset in R.s eyes.. his eyes match the glowing sky perfectly. I looked at the bird on the tree and listend to the singing and could feel the peace you felt

    1. R's brown eye color only shows up at sunrise and sunset. Photos in the middle of the day make it look like his eyes are black! I'm glad that you enjoyed the Hermit Thrush video. They are very much like hermits - and fly away if a person gets too close so I'm not sure how that videographer got such amazing footage!

  2. You are such a sweetie, R♥ What a brilliantly beautiful sunset!

  3. We are smiling so big at that first photo of R!!! My goodness you are a most handsome male member of the Duo. Your sunsets are amazing!!
    Hugs Cecilia and Madi

  4. I also LOVE to listen to the Hermit Thrushes. I did not know that they only sing when they're nesting, I just know when we start to hear them it's a sure sign that summer is here. It took me the longest time to figure out who was singing that sweet song on summer evenings!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. I am so happy that someone else appreciates Hermit Thrushes like I do! My friends tend to say "huh?" when I point at the treetop and say that a Hermit Thrush is singing! I love the sweet time of year when they sing!

  5. R looks magnificent in his photo today. And a spectacular sunset. Wish you could see the reaction from Timber to the singing of the thrush. Will have to play it again and see if I can catch it on video.

    1. I hope that you can video him. It sounds like it was funny!!!!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing the hermit thrush audio/video. How incredible is their song?!


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