Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Goofy Black Dog Sunday

Our black dog and Shyla were out at sunset with me. I was photographing them in that glorious sunset light when R needed to shake.

His jowls started flapping...

And then he launched streams of saliva at poor Shyla!
Notice that Shyla even closed the eye closest to R to prevent the missiles from going in her eye! The look on her face is priceless.

That's our goofy Black Dog!

I have a busy week ahead of me so posting might be sporadic. Don't worry if this space is quiet.


  1. Hari OM
    "Eeeaaaauuwwwwww... brofur, downwind here!!!" YAM xx

  2. so sweet and I am laughing out loud. to funny. I had a similar experience last week like what Shyla is having here. in fact I posted about the King of drool today.

  3. The two of you are making us smile☺ Have a wonderful Sunday!

  4. Shake it off R, that's pretty funny!

  5. This image will stay with me in your absence. What a terrific capture!

  6. Too funny!!! Have a great Sunday and hope the week’s. Busy-ness goes smoothly.

  7. MOL MOL Shyla your brudder is a funny guy!! But you know we gals like guys who make us LOL/MOL
    Hugs to your mom as her busy week progresses
    Madi and mom

  8. That is some impressive jowl shaking and drool flying. I think you go a good distance on that.

  9. Shyla must have known what was coming.

    xo Astro and Mitzie

  10. What a funny capture in pictures. We hope Shyla didn't have to shake off too much of R's spit. BOL!

  11. Great captures! And Shyla really came up with a priceless pose.

  12. That is too funny!! Shyla's expression is priceless. Cricket used to get that same look when her larger siblings were whacking her in the face with their tails. LOL
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. What fun pictures that have given me a grin at the end of my weekend!!

    And by the way, I have been showing my brother your blog, videos etc, and he loves it! He's in awe that anyone could live that close to such amazing wildlife - He's such a typical (former) city dweller! :-)

  14. BOL!!! OMD, that looks like me R!!! And Ma is Shyla in that pic! She gets the same lookie on her face when I fling my slobbers in her hair! BOL!!!
    Ruby ♥

  15. Ha Ha!! Poor Shyla is getting slimed!
    Hazel & Mabel


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