Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Mountain Meadows and the Milky Way in Motion

This Thursday, my gratitude is for the stars and to our friend, Brian, for hosting the Thankful Thursday blog hop. I love being in touch with the phase of the moon and the positions of different constellations in the sky. I am most in touch with the night sky when we camp.

We recently camped in the middle of a mountain meadow that was perfect for star gazing.

It had an incredible view of green meadows, misty mountains, and a lake.

I couldn't miss the opportunity to photograph the stars in the sky. Because the moon was new, the sky was dark enough to see the Milky Way. You can also see the faint outline of the lake in the lower left.
As I took the star photos, a lightning storm was underway in the lower left corner of my frame. The lightning made a cloud glow when it flashed.

I took photos almost all night long so that I could make a time lapse movie of the Milky Way drifting across the sky (condensed into 1.5 minutes). As you watch it, look for the glow of the clouds when the lightning flashed. You'll also see that there was a disappointing level of air traffic - it must have been an airplane highway to someplace faraway.


  1. that is breathtaking... I wish such moments would last forever or for a very long time...:O)

  2. I would love to see the stars like that just once, they are amazing! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Hari Om
    Truly awe-inspiring... YAM xx

  4. I agree with Mark, breathtaking it is.. I have never seen this many stars in real life. and all that beautiful green space with trees is a wow moment also

  5. Replies
    1. I'd love to take credit for that... but, instead, I programmed a device to trigger the camera to take photos, all night long!!!

  6. You sure find some peaceful places to get away to. There was so much to look at in the video. I loved watching the lightning storm in the distance.

  7. Love this. Being in a place dark enough for the milky way is special.

  8. What a beautiful video. I hope you know how much joy your work does for so many of us. thank you soooo much

  9. We are in awe!! My word never seen such photos of the stars and the Milky-Way.
    thank you for staying up all night or most of it in order to make this video
    Hugs madi and mom

  10. LOL just read you reply about not staying up but using technology. Still quite an effort to set up
    Hugs madi and mom

  11. Thank you for staying up taking the pictures and then making this video. It is beautiful, interesting, and inspiring.

  12. Always, your night videos show us nature as we do not see it, the lightning storm, flashes of airplanes, and the Milky Way slowly weaving its way, truly outstanding.

  13. Mom used to see lots of things from the cockpit back when she was a flight attendant, but normally she isn't real interested in what goes on in the sky. Your shots are super nice, though.

  14. So very beautiful and the music is so relaxing
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. That video is amazing - great job despite the air traffic. We like to think they were just shooting stars:)

  16. Inspiring photographs. Just lovely. What a shame that so few people ever get to see the Milky Way because of the light pollution.

  17. Nope...no words can describe this beauty...thank you so much for capturing it!!

  18. Beautiful! What are the flashes of light sometimes seen on the ground?


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