Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 10, 2018

August Wildflower Friday

I love summertime flowers... and seeing my pups playing in them. We are lucky to have a gorgeous meadow within a 5 minute hike from our house.

A little while ago, many of our meadows had a late season yellow flower in them. Now, we have a few of those yellow blossoms left but very few compared to a few weeks ago. One day, those flowers had beautiful Lady Bugs on them.

I loved the combination of yellow and red so I made lots of photos of the Lady Bugs. Doesn't that front dot on on the next Lady Bug look like a heart? What a beauty she is!

Another glorious red sight has been our Indian Paintbrush. They are almost finished blooming at our elevation but they had a banner year! They were numerous and their red was incredibly vibrant.

Their color looked great along with Shyla's fur.
I have been so surprised by our year of amazing wildflowers. They've somehow thrived despite the dryness. I have smiled at them almost every day this summer!


  1. I bet the ladybug is a girl... she knows how to pose and how to pick the best background ;O)

  2. OK, I had to take a side trip to google search before I commented. when you said isn't she a beauty I thought she is gorgeous and so is the photo, them the mad mind thought, it could be a male. I asked Gs and yes there are male and female lady bugs. oh well now we know... this one must be female because of the heart. super shots of her and that lady in the flowers at the end is once again stunning

  3. Those flowers and your pictures are just gorgeous. Loved the up close Ladybug shots and of course Miss Shyla shines among the flowers.

  4. Your meadow flowers are so gorgeous! We haven't seen a lot of ladybugs this summer. They are so cute!

  5. As always, you shared some spectacularly beautiful flowers. LOVE the lady bug with the heart shape on its back! Great capture. Have a great weekend.

  6. What a wonderful macro shot of the Ladybug and her heart!!! Of course, it pales in comparison to the last shot of sweet Shyla!

  7. I have never seen a so up close and personal she is a beauty. I see the heart too.
    Pups and posies make me smile
    Hugs madi and mom

  8. Those flowers, maybe the plants can adapt to less rainfall, Shyla, a perfect photo setting for your beautiful colour too.

  9. Many of the flowers around here died out for a while with the heat, but they are coming back now. Close up photos of bugs are so cool to look at!

  10. Your photos are simply gorgeous! I love the detail on the Ladybug -- and that spot does look like a heart!
    Such warmth and beauty in your shots!

  11. The closeup of the ladybug was stunning. And Shyla always is

  12. Shyla always looks so gorgeous in the wildflowers!
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. The colors are beautiful, and frame Shyla's sweet face perfectly. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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