Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Autumn has snuck up on us!

While I've been writing about our time in the alpine world, our world at home has slipped into autumn very quickly. I feel as surprised as Shyla looks in this photo taken today.

I believe that the aspen leaves have turned gold early due to this year's drought. This is a view that can be seen from near where Shyla and I mountain bike.
Some aspens are still green but most are turning.

The same is true of the view toward the mountains.  I love these colors... but it feels too early for them!

Looking down on an aspen grove, you can see some of the glorious reddish leaves that I love so much. You can also see that more trees still will be turning golden in the coming days and weeks.

So, I guess that it's time to welcome autumn at our elevation as well as up in the thin air above 10,000'.
Happy Autumn from our neck of the woods to yours!


  1. Wow, autumn color has come early. I may miss it altogether this year. But then I saw the temperature in Denver was 94 degrees on Friday, so perhaps this will be one of those endlessly prolonged summers.

  2. absolute Glorious!!! Shyla is saying WHERE did all this gold come from? love that last shot almost as much as the first one

  3. We wish it felt like autumn around here. Our temps are still in the mid to upper 80's for the next few days.

  4. 10 a.m. Sunday at your place and 22C, how can it be Autumn? Those golden and red leaves say it is true. Beautiful sky high pics, and Shyla is saying " Is this really so" She has such wonderful expressions, talking with her eyes every time.

  5. Catch, Shyla! Love that last shot♥

  6. Gorgeous pictures. I have come to love autumn since I moved to these desert mountains with their hot, dry summers.

  7. Hari Om
    I was expressing surprise at the change last week too! YAM xx

  8. Beautiful images. If autumn means cooling down, put me down as a YES! So tired of the +90F days in the city.

  9. Well, it is back to being HOT here again:( The golden fields are gorgeous, as is Ms. Shyla. Happy Sunday, and hope your are feeling better.

  10. We are still waiting for Autumn weather but mom says we'll see some when we go to Bryce in 2 weeks.

    Your Pals Who Are Checking In,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. How beautiful Autumn is in your corner of the world...hopefully it will hang around a bit before things get too chilly!

  12. Oh, this is Ma's most favorite time of year! Mine too, cause we sometimes gets cooler weather, like right nows! Shyla, I loves your face in that pic! BOL
    Happy Autumn!
    Ruby ♥

  13. And today was so hot and humid here, I not only had to turn the A/C on for a while, but have a fan blowing right across Piper on her couch instead of just generally moving air around on the porch. I bought some bulbs to plant and had intended to get them in this weekend, but could barely stay outside long enough to do chores during the day. Then, at sunset, the sky suddenly opened up in a huge downpour - while the sun was still shining! - which went on and on. I feel like I keep talking about weather lately, but gosh, it's such a major factor in my life, as it is in yours, I think!

  14. It is still feeling and looking mostly like summer around here. We are ready for autumn though! I think today is our last hot day, and hopefully more cooler nights will get more of the colors to come out; we're only seeing just a little bit right now.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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