Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

It was a gorgeous autumn day here so it was time to go out and play with R!
No doubt - now that I know that he's almost blind, I'm seeing his behavior in a new light. Just like last time I took him for a short bike ride, he leaned into my leg for a lot of the ride. I think that he was using touch to help him follow along.

He wants you all to know how much he appreciates your support. He has one question for you - does anyone know of a waterproof beeping ball that he could retrieve from water (another kind of sound would work too). This human has googled like crazy but hasn't found one yet.

Aside from that one small need, he's a super happy dog!
Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. I did a search and you are right, nothing out there, this one blog has a good idea for balls on the ground, but not in water... http://slimdoggy.com/diy-ball-for-blind-dogs/

    1. Thank you! I "know" SlimDoggy's mom so I'll ask whether she has ideas for balls in water.

  2. You are such a handsome happy boy, R. High five right back atcha!

  3. Seeing R always does my heart good :)

  4. Hari Om
    Handsome, handsome and again I say handsome!!! YAM xx

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. R...Madi used to have several motions sensitive toys. Per chance is there a ball like that for handsome Black Labs?
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. There are toys like that for dogs... but the problem is that the ball is still after it lands in the water. However, for playing outside the water, I definitely will try a motion-sensitive ball!

  7. Glorious colours. The black lab just sets them off beautifully.

  8. Maybe there is something else that is waterproof and makes sound that you could attach to a ball?? Just trying to think outside the box. He is so handsome.

    1. That's a super idea. I'm going to ponder that one!

  9. I haven't been to your blog for a while, so I missed the posts about R that I finally read this morning. I have to admit that I didn't even know that dogs get glaucoma as well... I'm so sorry that he is losing his eyesight. I suspect that he probably deals with it much better than we humans do, but it's still so sad. I wish I could help you with that ball.

  10. We're sorry to read about R's eyesight - but we know he's in great hands with you and Shyla and the Runner. With regard to the ball - perhaps you could contact JoAnne (Smiley's mom on FB) Having had Smiley, Pal and now Sunny - she may have some advice

    1. Thank you. I found Smiley's mom very fast. I didn't know about Smiley until now.

  11. I couldn't find something for dogs, but someone said maybe put a strong scent on a ball, strong enough that it won't wash off right away and that can be reapplied?

  12. Apparently some perfumes are hard to wash off, so maybe something in that line?

    1. Great idea. I do have some essential oils that I could try. Hmm, and perfume - that's a good idea!

    2. Maybe try and find something with a food smell, lol!

  13. Such a handsome happy boy
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. R looks amazing. I believe he can adapt to anything. Check these out https://www.maxiaids.com/beeping-foam-soccer-ball

    1. Thanks! There are a number of options there which will be really fun for him (I love that company - they have made so many great products for blind humans). However, our search for a waterproof one that is small goes on!

  15. R is going to handle this fine. And so are you, once you get used to it. I know he'll have the best treatment for it you can get. Meanwhile, he's going to be crazy happy R. (Though as a result of this news I'm a little more glad than usual they'll check me at an eye exam next week. Even though I HATE the test itself. I hope R was less flinchy than I always am!)

    1. I am going to get my eyes checked soon too. This shows me how important it is. And, just fyi, they have a different way of checking dogs' eye pressure that they don't flinch at. I wish that they could use it for us!

    2. So do I! But there's glaucoma in my mother's family. I just have to put on my big girl panties and deal.

  16. I have nothing to offer except heartfelt good wishes. But I have those in abundance.

  17. He sure looks happy - that is great! I hope you find that ball.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. Maybe you can invent that ball KB!


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