Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Black Dog Tuesday

We are worried about our Black Dog. We've noticed that his vision has suddenly become worse - substantially worse. In addition, his eyes don't look normal. Our regular vet checked out his eyes yesterday and was very concerned about the possibility of glaucoma. He immediately started meds to take down the swelling in his eyes. We should learn more at an ophthalmologist appointment on Wednesday... In the meantime, I'll probably not be able to stop worrying.

A photo taken a few days ago...
All of my worry caused a migraine so I'll stop there.


  1. so very sorry... hugs and love to R and to you...paws crossed it is not glaucoma...

  2. Hope your beautiful boy is ok. I worry too, but it never helps, of course that doesn't stop me.

  3. Dang, we sure hope the Vets get a paw on it and we all send love and hugs to dear R.

  4. we cross all paws and fingers for the appointment on wednesday... and we hope you come back with good news...hugs to you all...

  5. Oh no :( No I will worrying, too. My little one goes to an eye specialist for severe
    dry eye - I'm driving the 70 miles to an appointment with her today, oddly enough. Try to relax a little, and I'll be hoping for a less serious diagnosis...

    1. Oh no... I had a dog years ago who lost the ability to make tears. It's a big deal. I am pulling for your little one. Sorry that your drive is so long...

    2. So far, her dry eye is not that severe - the specialist is excellent, and we are controlling it well with lots of drops :) Thinking of you and R today and sending every good vibe I possess your way...

  6. We are crossing all our paws POTP to R

    ♥ Astro & ♥ Mitzie

  7. Paws and fingers are crossed for you here, R, and we are sending lots and lots of positive vibes!

  8. Oh no, poor guy, and poor you. It's impossible not to worry, I hope you can at least get the migraine under control. :( Hang in there, we'll be thinking of you and sending hopeful thoughts. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Oh No....we are so sorry to hear R is having trouble with his beautiful soulful eyes. We send you tons of prayers.
    Thank you so very much for the lovely and heartwarming comment about Madi. We feel so much love and
    gratitude from all our beautiful friends we have made. Madi was my inspiration and really the brains behind the entire operation...I just supplied the thumbs. Our motto was live life with gusto and never ever say WHAT IF....I will continue blogging with Angel Madi as my sidekick. I working on getting things in order. Never fear we will 'BE BACK'!
    Hugs Cecilia proud to be Mom of Madi

  10. Prayers and (((HUGS))). We know how it is to worry about a furry loved one. It's so hard to stop. Hopefully you will have some answers on Wednesday. We will be thinking of you and R!

  11. Trying not to worry is not going to be possible, but with all our messages of love, prayers and caring thoughts winging their way to you, hopefully they will help ease it all. R, hang in there you handsome boy.

  12. How can someone not worry? Give lots of love, and pray for better news. At least you are catching it and maybe there will be some help.

  13. Sending positive thoughts to R and to all of you. The Power of the Paw is active and pulling for you.

  14. Oh noes. Sendin' lots of loves and POTP and AireZens your way R!!!! Lots of {{{hugs}}} to your pack ♥
    Ruby ♥

  15. We hope R will be OK. We had a dog with glaucoma years ago but it was caused by a surgery that hit the optic nerve. Lots of good thoughts that the meds will bring the pressure down. We know the discomfort glaucoma can cause.

  16. Sending optimistic thoughts to you! Knowledge is power - once you know what's going on you can make the informed decisions you two are so very good at. Glad you have an ophthalmologist at hand.

    Chris from Boise

  17. surely they can treat it with drops each day... just like in humans?
    a friend of mine does that and has it for years and he sees just fine. I so hope that can be the case for your beloved R!
    and take care of YOU. I seldom comment but always read. and enjoy your blog so very much! bless you!

  18. We have our paws crossed for R and hope there is a simple fix for his problem.

  19. So very sorry to hear this. Your boy has the sweetest softest eyes.


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