Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 7, 2018

Flower Friday - An Alpine Edition

We recently spent time up high in the Colorado mountains. Before we departed, my garden Columbines were trying to bloom one last time.

I hoped that we'd see wildflowers up high, like we usually do in August. Most years, the wildflowers are past their peak by this time of year but some hardy ones are still blooming.

It turned out that the alpine tundra had turned the page to autumn already, probably due to the drought. Look at the rich autumn colors on the ground below the towering mountains.

Some golden leaves adorned willow bushes which Shyla galloped away from.

Most fire weed, a very late bloomer, had finished flowering. These ones were protected inside the ruins of a mining cabin so they still bloomed.

To my surprise, even the fire weed that was mostly devoid of blossoms was brilliantly beautiful on the mountain sides. The bare stems are a fiery magenta like the flowers.

And the golden hue of the autumn leaves made the tableau leading up to a mountain even more beautiful. I loved whooshing through these mountain meadows on my mountain bike.
It was incredible to see how the drought has sent the alpine world into autumn earlier than usual. Although the world looked different than in past years, it was beautiful in its own way. The intensity of the autumn colors increased over our trip... so hang on to see some more of those warm hues.

TThanks to our friend, Rosy, for hosting the Flower Friday blog hop.


  1. how beautiful... I think we need a new word what's not invented by now to describe what we feel when we see this... while waiting I give a big AWWWWWWW!

  2. We noticed the same thing with fire weed this year...how beautifully red the stems and stalk were after the blossoms had dropped.
    Box Canyon Mark from Lovely Ouray
    PS: Hope your pizza was good :)

  3. I think your mountain trails are always beautiful, no matter the season. the path through all that beauty is amazing…

  4. You sure found lots of beautiful views up in the mountains. Thanks for sharing.

  5. How gorgeous. Some day I absolutely have to come west to the mountains. I live int he Appalachian chain here in TN, and although I daily appreciate the beauty, it is dim in comparison to the Rockies.

  6. they fireweed photo looks like a very famous painting. Gorgeous and of course Shyla you are stunning as always
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. Oh oh oh, thise mountain pictures are so beautiful. I do wish Gail woukd take me thete one day.
    Toodle pip!

  8. Your wildflowers are so gorgeous! Love the Columbine!

  9. So very beautiful! The fireweed is gorgeous!

    1. Sorry - I forgot to switch back over to this account!

  10. Like a painting, totally so beautiful. Those purple mountains and the brighter fireweed, nature gives us some wonderful colours.

  11. They are beautiful even though the drought hasn't been nice!

  12. Your photos are even more beautiful than ever. Some of them almost look like paintings.

  13. Lovely fields of color! That's interesting about the drought causing an early autumn. We have had SO MUCH rain and lots of flooding and it has essentially washed all the color away.

  14. You have the prettiest flowers. Even the weeds are pretty.

  15. I think Autumn is usually the most beautiful season of the year. There's something about those colors!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. The autumn colors photo looks more like a painting. Very pretty scene!


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