Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Memories of Madi

To our BFFF, Madi...
We miss you already, as Blogville is a little less bright without you here. Your comments and posts made us smile, every single time. Now, we think of you, and we smile at our wonderful memories. We were so lucky to know you.

We remember how you loved red... and curling up in a warm spot. So, we imitated you.

Til we meet again up in the red sky...


  1. oh what a colorful post for Diva Madi... well done!!!

  2. What a beautiful post for our beloved Madi♥

  3. Oh that was such a wonderfully purrfect tribute to that dear Diva Angel Madi.

  4. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful kitty!

  5. Madi would just love those photos. Beautiful!

  6. Dear R and Shyla and Mom....what a beautiful post. As always your up close and purrsonal pictures amaze us with how you mom captures your soulful eyes and expressions. That heart on your nose OMCS....and a red blankie for napping. The last photo is absolutely breathtaking it needs to be on the cover of all advertisements of your beautiful State and what it has to offer.
    Loads of love and hugs Angel Madi your bfffffffffffffffff

  7. Oh, that is just beautiful - we love that shot of Shyla all snuggled in her blankets. Madi was loved by all and now missed by all of us. She was a great friend.

  8. Hari om
    OMD that is beautifurs!!! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  9. This was such a beautiful post. Madi would have loved these photos. They are all so wonderful in there own little way. The heart cookie on the nose is so cute. Thanks for sharing such a fabulous tribute. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  10. Awe, Madi would love your beautiful photos! She was a such special girl and we miss her so much!

  11. perfect. we had to send Jake across the rainbow bridge today. I can't stop crying

    1. So sorry for your loss - it's just the hardest :(

  12. Thank you for pawticipating! Beautiful photos.

    Raz and The Florida Furkids

  13. Sweet post. I'm sure Angel Madi approves.

  14. What a beautiful post for your friend! We wish we had known Madi, but even though we didn't, we are so sad for her family.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Oh, that was such a lovely tribute to our pal!!! I just loves the heart cookie on your snooter! hmmm....cookie....you don't buy chance....oh, never mind...
    Anyhu, beautiful postie! Thanks guys
    Ruby ♥

  16. Love how you put the red for Madi into your post. We didn't know her well, but she was a special kitty.

  17. What a great post. Madi would have loved snuggling in that big red blankie.

  18. While we did not know Madi, I cannot image she wouldn't have loved your photos. They are 'pawfect.'


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