Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A Yearling Bear Cub Dancing before Heading for a Den

Our "little" yearling bear cub is growing up, marking trees like a big bear.

This is the bear cub who was gradually changing from being blond to being brown.
I have looked very closely at all of the footage that I have at this yearling cub, and I now feel fairly confident that it's a female. If I'm right, that means that this yearling will live in our area! That makes me so happy.

Here is a zoomed in view of her marking a tree. Female bears mark like crazy before they head for their winter dens. That fits with what the bear cub was doing over the past month!
That photo makes her look bigger than she really is. You can see the tree trunk above her snout. Most adult bears are taller than the trunk. She did put on a lot of weight in September and October - and she grew taller - but she's still smaller than grown-up bears.

Based on where she was marking, I suspect that she is in a den nearby, and that she's done with marking for the year. Sleep well, Bear Cub. We'll see you in the spring.

Here's a short video of her marking marking trees and other things. Enjoy! Soon, the forest will be quieter because these magnificent animals will be in their dens.


  1. that is amazing... in the fist photo he looks like a guy with a bottle lOL

  2. Hari Om
    such privileged views!!! YAM xx

  3. What a wonderful video. OM word and she is gettin' down big time. Her tummy looks so soft too.
    What an endearing reminder of Angel Madi when the bear was rubbing her face and ears on the rock.
    When we bought anything new in the house pet toy or human toy Madi always rubbed all over it with her head and scent glands...just like the bear.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. she is so beautiful and I hope it is a she and she stays with you. I have enjoyed watching her change. rolling herself over that tree makes me laugh

  5. Mom just got back from the eye doctor and her eyes are still dialated and the first picture looks like the bear is chugging a bottle. Clearly, mom needs to get off the computer! We love the video!

  6. So could she be gaining weight because she is carrying cubs? The dancing bear idea brings back memories of The Mamas and the Papas' song:)

    1. It is rare for a bear her age to carry cubs. Next winter or the following winter (ages 3 or 4) would be more likely. Also, just in case you're interested, fetuses are still tiny (a small ball of cells) until a sow is resting in her den. If she's healthy and fat then, they will implant in the uterine wall and grow. They are still less than a pound in weight when they are born in January. It's surprising that they are so small in a big animal like a bear!

  7. Oh, we do hope she (is a she) and stays in the area.

  8. I'm so glad you'll have a new bear in your area to continue watching!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. OH My! She was really working that Tree!
    hazel & Mabel

  10. She is just so cute and so much fun to watch. Hard to believe she will be in her den all winter long.

  11. This blondie sure is cute. Hope she has a good winter's sleep.


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