Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Black Dog Sunday - A Birthday!

Our Black Dog had a birthday recently. He's 11 years old, and he's as goofy as ever.

I think that his sister was singing him Happy Birthday in this photo. And R was simultaneously waving to the camera. I have no idea how they came up with their crazy poses that they used throughout the fall. They made me laugh daily.
I took some birthday photos of R yesterday. Sadly, his painful, swollen, and very red left eye dominates them. So, I'll wait and take some more photos after he recovers from surgery.

The next one was one of my favorites from the year. I took it during a camping trip in the height of wildflower season back in July, when R's eyes still appeared to be perfect. I love his eyes but, mainly, I love R's beautiful spirit.
He is teaching us about how to see with your heart instead of your eyes.

Happy Birthday to our wonderful Black Dog. We still have so much to learn from you and so much fun to have with you.


  1. Happy Birthday Big Beautiful Black Dog.. birthday hugs. do you have a surgry date yet?

  2. Happy Birthday R, we all love you handsome dude!

  3. Happy Birthday R, We hope you had a pawesome day and were very spoilt :) Milo,Jet & Arli

  4. 11 years of joy, fun , and love - something to celebrate, for sure!! Happy b-day, R, and MANY happy returns of the day :)

  5. Happy Birthday, R! Sing it loud and clear, Shyla!

  6. Happy Birthday R! Shyla's look in that first picture made us chuckle. She really looks like she is singing passionately to R.

  7. I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony!!! They are, they do, Love them together.

  8. Hari Om
    adding my fond wishes R - am loving that top shot!!! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Happy Birthday Black Dog! You are one in a million!!

  10. OM word your Labraduos make me smile great big Cheshire Cat smiles. They need to take their routine on the road. Please Give R a belated bday hug and kissy near his surgical area, from me and give Shyla a high five.
    I have jury duty tomorrow...I hope and pray I won't be selected for a case. It could be a day or a week or more. My SPARKS tomorrow is in honor of this most wonderful duty. I HATE driving downtown especially in rush hour traffic have to be there by 8:30 am. YIKES will advise as I can
    Hugs all around

  11. That first photo is absolutely wonderful!

    Our Tommy also recently turned 11, an age when there is so much sweetness, coupled with still a little mischief, and mountains of love.

  12. Happy Birthday R! You are just a few months behind my black dog, Jimmy!

  13. Happy Birthday Sweet R.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  14. Happy, Happy Birthday to your most special boy!! THANK YOU for sharing him with all of us!! I know that this is a bittersweet time for him, but I love the attitude you've taken as your forge ahead on this next chapter. I am sorry that the meds didn't work for his eye, but I know that he's getting the best of care, because he has the best owners. I continue to send lots of love and good vibes for you all!!

  15. Happy Birthday to you R !! We love you!
    And KB, what you said is beautiful that R is teaching us how to see with our heart! And yes, we still have so much fun to have with all of you! The photo of R and Shyla makes us smile too!

  16. *♪ღ♪Happy★Birthday, buddy! ♪ღ♪*

  17. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BURTHDAY R!!!!!! Oh my pal, you still look as handsome as evers, and we 'seniors' need to stay silly to keeps feelin' like youngsters, rights??! Sendin' lots of {{{hugs}}} and slobbery kisses!
    Ruby ♥

  18. Happy Happy Birthday to you R... we send a big weimaraner kiss.

  19. Happy belated birthday, R!!!
    Cam and Mags

  20. Happy barkday, R!! Since you're almost exactly the same age as my great-brother Angel Casey, I'm going to call you Uncle R from now on!

  21. Shyla singing is the best! R will be a gorgeous dog no matter what. Happy Birthday, gorgeous boy!! ♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets


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