Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 5, 2018

Mountain Lions Prowling in the Night

Mountain lions have prowled through our area both at night and during the day. I'm going to focus on their nighttime patrols in this post.

In mid-September, a mountain lion arrived in our neck of the woods. He alertly stood tall as he passed my cam. What a magnificent animal.

He must have slept somewhere in our area during the day of 9/16. He was up and marking his territory by early evening. This marking spot always send shivers up my spine - it's very close to home and our evening walking route.
I know that, in the past, we've been out walking when a mountain lion was marking this spot so I've learned not to worry.

Then, another big Tom Cat came through in early October. He looked huge and tough when he first arrived in a marking spot.

But then, he decided to roll on his back in the spot where lions have marked multiple times. It made me laugh out loud.

Every now and then, a lion chooses to do goofy rolling. This may be the first time that I captured video of it! It's even better in action!


  1. The lion may be near you, but they are probably avoiding you.

  2. the rollover is making my face hurt from grinning. he is magnificent and just like a house cat... I just showed it to bob and said, she walks with that out there and I am afraid to let the dog out in the yard and all we have are raccoons

  3. Rolling outside is so much fun! I guess he thinks it is too!

  4. What amazing footage :) Nothing is better then a good roll in the grass :) Milo,Jet & Arli

  5. Do the Labrador seem to notice the marking spot? Love that video!
    LOL grits at supper is fine. We often have breakfast for supper in the winter. Never put stir fried veggies on them but it sounds yummy!
    Hugs cecilia

    1. I always know when a lion has been through because Shyla tells me. She wants to run to the marking spot, sniff, and then add her own pee mail to the spot.

  6. Typed Labra duo crazy autocorrect changed it

  7. Whatever he was rolling in, we are glad we don't have to give him a bath:) The mountain lion sure is a very impressive creature.

  8. What a great video. Who knew that the wild cats can be a silly as our house cats?

  9. Love the roll. You think he's channeling his inner 'house cat?' 😆

  10. they are so beautiful!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. I would be nervous about walking when knowing those big cats could be out there! Yet he looks like a big kitten when rolling around like that! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. That mountain lion is so big and beautiful!


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