Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 25, 2018

R's Surgery and a Serene Sunrise

We found out on Wednesday that R's surgery is today. He must be at the hospital very early, and he should be able to come home late in the day. Because this is scary to me, I'm feeling the need for some serene moments to prepare me.

Mother Nature offered up some serenity - a beautiful sunrise.  I love how a nearby pond reflects it.

A bit later in the sunrise, more orange had crept into it.

Winter is our season for gorgeous sunrises... and that's a wonderful aspect to this time of year.  An added bonus is that the elk herd is nearby, and the bulls bugled about every 10 seconds throughout the entire sunrise.

I made a video of the sunrise and the alpenglow on the Continental Divide. It's quite short... I hope that you enjoy it. And send some good thoughts to R for the surgery and the recovery/transition that will follow.


  1. we send lots of sunrays of hope to you... and all our paws and fingers are crossed.... hugs and potp!!!

  2. Prayers for all of you, especially for R and his surgery. hugs and love coming your way. will be waiting for a report. my heart aches with yours

  3. Our best purrs and prayers to R and to you too. We'll be most happy when we hear all is well.

  4. Today just happened to be my first visit around my favorite blogs in a long time. I'm glad I saw this and could look at previous posts to get the sad news about R's eye. First though I'm celebrating his having an 11th birthday! We lost Kasey to lymphoma at 7 - how I would have treasured another four years - so happy birthday R!! I hope surgery goes perfectly and R is home and posing with Shyla very soon. Take care <3

    1. We realize how lucky we are. Angel K died at age 8. It is a gift to have a dog live to be old. R doesn't act old at all - which is an added bonus.

  5. We are thinking of you today, with comforting
    thoughts. Prayers and POTP.

    ♥ Linda, Astro & Mitzie

  6. We are crossing our paws tight for Uncle R!

  7. We're sending R tons of AireZen and positive thoughts and my paws are crossed! What a magnificent sunrise!

  8. Your sunrises are always so beautiful. We rarely are up early enough to see the sun rise but around here we don't get such beautiful ones as you have. Millie & Walter have their paws crossed tight for R today and with his recovery.

  9. That sure helped us feel more serene! The video is just amazing! We will be praying for R; may God guide his surgeon and other care-givers, and give you comfort, and R healing and the ability to adapt to his new normal.
    Cam, Mags, and our mom

  10. What a blessing to have such a beautiful sunrise to help you find your serenity today.
    We send R, you, the Runner, and Shyla many prayers and hugs and as Cam and Mags and Mom said prayers for a very successful and quick surgery. Thank you for taking the time to share this beautiful post with us.

  11. We hope everything goes well for the surgery and we are sending good wishes your way. Your sunrises are absolutely beautiful. The video is just wonderful with the music. Makes us feel so relaxed watching it. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  12. I’d send you a lovely fall day in the mountains but you already have those. Hugs to you. R will feel much better after this.

  13. R will be like the sunrise, full of colour, and beautiful. I am sure the surgery will go to plan, and sending heaps of love and prayers to you all.XXXXX

  14. Hari Om
    Definitely serene - and adding my POTP for R! YAM xx

  15. Good luck to R. I believe that to everything there is a season... and this is R's season for a surgery. My mother always used to say "Into every life a little rain must fall...". I know you will hold the umbrella over R until the sun shines again. ~Andrea

  16. A beautiful and serene sunrise indeed. Sending oodles of poodles of POTP to you and R. 💖

  17. We are sending good thoughts for R's surgery to go well. The beauty of those sunrises does bring peace. We hope it helps you as well, we know how tough this day must be. We'll be thinking of you. ♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. We have been thinking of you, the Runner, and R since we learned that today was the day for surgery. We are sending you lots of good thoughts and prayers and the pups are mustering up some very strong POTP that all will go well and that R's recovery will go well too. Hugs.

  19. Sending your family positive thoughts and prayers for R's surgery and transitions. And, extra thoughts of good health to all! You guys need some smooth sailing!

  20. Sending 24 Paws crossed for you and R. Thinking of you and your family.

  21. Hoping all goes well for R! He will feels so much better with the pain gone!

  22. Surgery is always 'nervous time'. Hope it all goes well.

  23. We are sending healing and positive thoughts your way. Hopefully the pain will dissipate quickly for R as he heals. He will be fine and you too will adjust. Give him lots of love to reduce stress for you both.

  24. Just seeing this, so perhaps R is home and recovering by now. All good thoughts and wishes coming your way, and I am anxiously waiting to hear how it went...

  25. Hopefully the surgery went well? You guys are in my thoughts.

  26. We have been right there with you today!! Beautiful post KB!

  27. i hope r's procedure went smoothly and he will soon be on the mend! i am on the floor of the barn in a sleeping bag, trying to get the boys to stop shivering as they recover from their surgery - almost 10 hrs ago. they are miserable, i am miserable, and i'm guessing all 3 of us are in a lot of pain. this is not my favorite day. i hope yours is much better!
    pls excuse typing - insulated gloves.

  28. Oh, the sky is just beautiful!!!! It just colored the whole land magenta! ahhhhh
    I hopes everything went well, and R is recovering comfortably. Sendin' lots of love and {{{hugs}}} and POTP!!
    Ruby ♥

  29. So much beauty...and serenity. We have been thinking of R today and hope his surgery went well.
    Lots of virtual hugs and snuggles being sent your way!


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