Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Stars in the Sky

A campsite sits out in southwestern Colorado that you've probably read about here before. The view from it is simply stupendous. You can see only half the view behind the LabMobile in this photo.

A whole separate mountain range sits behind the LabMobile in the photo above. It's the mountain range that is often behind photos of the Duo at sunset.

My mind keeps flitting back to that campsite today because it was the last time that I saw R's eyes looking like normal - deep, brown, and beautiful. We had little idea what was ahead.

We didn't have nearly enough time in that campsite this year... but I am grateful for the little bit that we had. I feel the same about R's eyes - I am grateful that we saw them so healthy but I wish that they'd stayed that way longer.

Today, I needed to bring peace to my mind so I thought about the stars in the sky above the campsite. This year, we camped there at the full moon so the distant mountain ranges were bright when the moon was high in the sky and only the brightest stars were visible. This photo shows the movement of the stars in about 25 minutes.

I made a very short time lapse video of the stars moving in the sky for almost six hours. It calmed my mind a bit to put it together. I hope that you enjoy it.


  1. it is beautiful and to watch it is like a balm for my soul too ;O)

  2. I am glad you could get a little relief and calmness from these amazing stars. I have never seen them like this except here on your blog. I love the bookend trees on your lab mobile...

  3. Hari Om
    I adore the night skies - when there's no cloud! YAM xx

  4. I am nearly speechless at the beauty around the Labmobile and the heavenly stars.
    LabraDuo gawgeous as always.
    hugs cecilia

  5. Beautiful post, KB. Love the time lapse!

  6. You live in such an amazingly beautiful part of the country!

  7. We love seeing the stars, and the time lapse video too. Hugs to you and R.

  8. Nature does have a way of calming. Am intrigued with that 'pointy bit' on the mountain behind the LabMobile.

  9. I would love to see the desert sky at night, away from the lights. Thanks for a glimpse of the beauty.

  10. Oh those stars, I'd love to see the stars like that.

  11. Here we are KB. I saw this post earlier,,, and I knew that we needed to come back and spend some time looking at your beautiful stars, and time lapse... And feel all that your feeling,,, just because we know.. Your always thinking of others,, just because that is you,,, in taking the time to put this together, KB,, R's eyes will always be beautiful, and his heart,,, and his soul, and his spirit and joy, and his devotion,,, and wanting to please will always remain. You are totally amazing that you can capture such beauty as these stars,,, just as you are so amazing to be able to capture the amazing zest of life in Shyla and R. We love you,, we love R, Shyla and Runner... and the Universe loves you too.

  12. Oh, those stars are just amazin'!!!! The video is mesmerizing! Lost of loves to you guys!
    Ruby ♥

  13. I'm glad you were able to delve into this project and settle your mind a bit, KB. I hope you won't mind me sharing a thought here as know this is hitting you hard...
    I hope you'll be able to come up with some practical ideas for training in preparation for the possibility of eventual blindness, to make R's transition more comfortable for him and keep his activity level up and interesting. I'll bet you can - you are a phenomenal trainer! I think training can be a strong coping mechanism for you, and you and R certainly deepened your relationship through all the rehab exercises following his surgery. All my best, KB. I'm thinking of you and yours every day.

  14. There is a lot of mental management when dealing with things like R's eyes. It's good to go to a place in your mind and photos that bring happiness.

  15. LOVE the star video! Wishing you a weekend of peacefulness.


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