Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Bear Fun in Autumn

In autumn, bears are heading toward dens. The sows who mated this year retreat to dens first. Then, the rest of the sows go to dens. The final bears to head into dens are the males.

Most years, Tiny, our biggest male bear, is up and about into late November or early December. Due to his injury, I think that he's already resting in a den this year.

We still have bears who are awake but they are lethargic. They don't dance very energetically while marking trees or go for swims. Their goal is to go into a den as fat as possible. One bear definitively wins the contest for the fattest bear. He's not very tall but he has a lot of fat reserves.

He was marking trees in early October.

Our rambunctious female yearling cub who had a distinctive blond stripe down her back was marking trees a little later in October, just after a snow storm. She then disappeared, likely snuggling into a den for the winter.

Another bear visited a pond on a snowy day and decided not to swim. She nibbled on grass and slurped some water before heading off.

I made a short video of the bears' fun in late September and early October. I am enjoying every instant of observing them because they will all be in dens before too long. I really miss them in the winter - unless one decides to use the den where I have a cam - and then we get to watch them all winter!


  1. I hope some rest i his den will help Tiny to heal ...

  2. Hari Om
    I needs to find me a tree - my back is so itchy today!!! YAM xx

  3. I do hope tiny will heal and be ok, I have worried over him a little since we saw him limping. that fatest bear is so cute, he will have plenty to carry him through the winter.....

  4. I sure do hope Tiny has 100% healing.
    Love the hoochie coochie dance Mr. Fat bear is doing.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. I love the video footage. That sure is a fat bear - I was afraid for that small tree to topple over! How I hope that one bear will go to the den with the cam.

  6. He is a very big fellow...love his jelly belly. Looks like he'll have not trouble surviving the winter.

  7. I couldn't help but giggle at Mr. Fat Bear's tree dance!

  8. How fun to get super fat and go sleeping for a few months. Bears have a real different life, but they are cute and funny.

  9. Sweet dreams to all your bears. That first one sure was a fatty.

  10. out of all the wildlife you see, are bears your favorite? I love, these posts so much! thanks for sharing!

  11. That is one very chubby bear!!! We hope a long winter's rest will help Tiny's leg heal - we love seeing that guy.

    Thanks for the Yak Trax suggestion. I do have a pair of generic ones from Costco that work fine for when it is just me walking. I can control the pace of my walk. But when I have Lightning, it is hard to anticipate when he is going to do a quick pull forward. So courtesy of Amazon.com, a pair of Yak Trax will be arriving Thursday just in time for the warmup in temps:)

  12. that is one fat bear!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. I always enjoy your bear photos, thank you so much.

  14. That first boy definitely looks ready for hibernation!! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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