Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Caturday: A bobcat pair and a bobcat growl!

A bobcat sauntered into a clearing looking like she owned the world. As she appeared, she let out a deep rumbling -  a growl!

She sniffed around a bit probably because this is a wild cat marking spot. Then, as she was exiting the clearing, another bobcat appeared. I am guessing that this cat is her kitten. This kitten is full grown but still behaves like a kitten, full of curiosity.

This curious kitten lagged behind mom by a minute or so, sniffing and listening while sitting in the sun.

The most stunning part to me was the difference between the very low rumbling vocalization by a bobcat mother and the bird-like high-pitched vocalization of a mountain lion mother. I compare them in the short video.


  1. Their voices are so different. Love the tipped ears on the bobcats!

  2. i think the bob cat has a special whistle that means listen up little ones and do what I say. I like both the growl and the whistle and that bobcat kitten soooooooooo beautiful

  3. forgot to say, when the kitten is walking into the camera and flowing by towards where mama is, that walk is exactly how Big Boy walks. I hope to capture it sometime. BB body flows back and forth just like a big cat, a black panther in fact.

  4. They are gorgeous. At first I thought they had on tracking collars then I realized it was they lush thick neck furs.
    Thank you for sharing
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. The open mouth after sniffing, our cats do that too. Love the growl, and then the triplets. We get so much pleasure from your trail cam photos, otherwise might not see the beauty out there.

  6. I didn't hear the growl the first time and I had my speakers up. Thanks for showing us this slice of nature few ever get to witness.

  7. They are sure fun to watch...and to hear!

  8. Amazing! I just love seeing what goes on out there when we aren’t there to see it. Thanks for sharing all your pix and videos!

  9. That is a very interesting comparison of the sounds. And they are all such beautiful creatures. The young male bobcat sure was interested in sniffing everything.

  10. OMD, that is so cool!! Ma is in loves with the Bobcats! They are sooooo fluffy this time of year!
    The Mountain Lion surprised me though! I've only heard the deep growl before. very cool!
    Ruby ♥

  11. Your videos make my day. You are so blessrd to have the variety of wildlife and the ability to capture all that you do. I am blessed to view them!

  12. How wonderful to hear the kitty. Loved seeing your photos and film!


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