Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Gratitude for Our Black Dog's Speedy Recovery

We are so thankful for how easily our Black Dog is recovering from having his eye removed. About ten days after his surgery, we were on a getaway to the desert. R was running as if he had no pain whatsoever.
As you can see in the photo, the swelling and bruising is gone. The shape of his face is symmetrical. He is working on growing back his fur.

A few of you have asked whether he has a prosthetic eye. He doesn't have one that can be seen from the outside. However, he has a space-filling prosthesis under his closed left eyelid to preserve the shape of his face. I have taken photos of him daily since the surgery, and I'll put them all together into a "recovery timeline" when he is completely recovered, including growing back his fur.

We think that he seems happier since having his painful eye removed. Moreover, we've seen, over and over again, that he still has his exuberant spirit. In fact, as I took him and Shyla up to a mesa that we've dubbed "Shyla's Mesa" to take these photos, he was leaping in the air and barking with excitement.

The Duo was filled with happy energy that day. They chased each other across the mesa around sunset.
I think that it's never easy to decide to permanently remove an eye or any body part from a beloved animal. I struggled with guilt leading up to the surgery and immediately thereafter. I worried that I could have prevented his eye from getting so bad if I'd somehow discerned what was happening sooner. I've put that thinking behind me as I see how joyfully R is living now.

For those who are wondering, his remaining eye seems to be responding to the glaucoma medicines. Its intraocular pressure is still normal. We hope that, for once, we can beat the averages and help him to keep the vision in that eye for a long time.


  1. I agree with you that is a super hard decision... we are glad for the good news and we send a big hug to the labraduo...

  2. praying for the good eye to remain good. he looks wonderful and I teared up at him and his sister running side by side into the camera. he looks so happy to be out doing what he did. this is great news..

  3. Oh that's so wonderful that R is responding so well, that makes us really happy! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. The resilience of animals is remarkable! This does my heart good :)

  5. Happy that R continues to recover and be his happy self.

    ♥ Astro & Mitzie

  6. Oh, Uncle R, I'm so happy to see YOU so happy and full of life! Who needs a silly eye when you've got so much joy?

  7. Way to go R! We knew you would bounce right back.

  8. It's wonderful to see you happy and romping with Shyla, R, and your mom and dad made the right decision to remove your eye and keep you free of pain so you can lead a fun-filled life!

  9. I'm so glad that he's feeling great and continuing to enjoy his life! When our dog had a similar procedure done several years ago, the opthamologist said to me beforehand, "that it would give me my dog back." I didn't know what she meant until afterwards when I saw his carefree spirit and zest for life return. I not realized how badly he'd been feeling because of the glaucoma, and I truly "did get my dog back" just as you have, and it's wonderful to see and I'm thrilled for you all!!!

  10. What a joy it is to read this post. The spirit of R is totally contagious. Our dogs live so in the moment, deal with what they have been dealt, and continue living. It's we humans who struggle. I totally understand your thoughts about guilt. But making them pain free is all that we can offer, removal of an eye or a limb, if necessary to make them pain free, is how it is. I struggled with Bruno and his osteosarcoma, taking his leg and then with Kyra and her osteosarcoma, leaving her limb on, Kyra had less time with us, but the outcome was the same, if only by a month or so. We do what is best for our beloved pets as much as we can in our personal situations. You have done amazing stuff with Shyla and R and they live a wonderful life with you. I am pleased you have put your thinking behind you and now are living in the joy that is R.
    Kiersten x

  11. I knew this wouldn't keep R down. He is a rock star. Long may he run

  12. If his face didn't show me, looking at the joy and energy in the pictures, I would have never known. I think he is showing you you made the right decision.

  13. I'm smiling so big now. R you are an amazing Black dog with a wonderful family.
    I love the pure look of glee on your beautiful black face and spring in your leap!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. That is all such wonderful news, and R looks GREAT and SO HAPPY!! Love, love, love it!! Go, R!!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. I'm glad his good eye is fine. You'll be on top of this I'm sure. I think R is way happier now than before the surgery.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  16. The humans have the hardest time, but for us dogs, we just to with it and continue on. We don't worry about things like you do. My mom feels a lot of guilt for Emma's passing even though she has no reason to. It is hard.

  17. Hari Om
    Still got the moves, Mr R!!! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  18. We are so glad to see R feeling so good!
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. So glad to read he is doing so well since the surgery. It would be hard not to feel a bit guilt (what if) but you helped him as soon as you were aware.

  20. Go R! What a wonderful(and beautiful) strong boy!

  21. We are so excited and happy to see R is back!!! And as good and handsome as ever!!! That spirit will always shine through. Lightning wishes his recovery could have been a speedy one:(

  22. Thank you so much for the news! We're happy for you all and have our fingers crossed about the remaining eye.

  23. R looks fabulous! And taking the lead over Shyla in that last photo! So glad for the photographic proof that he's doing just fine, and glad that you're seeing how right that tough decision was.

    Chris from Boise

  24. Oh R, you look just FABulous my pal!!! You and your sis are just the bestest running buddies. I say Viva La Vida! ♥
    I am so happy that those meds are doin' their job so well!
    Ruby ♥

  25. Great news! That third picture needs to be printed and framed!!

  26. It's wonderful to hear that R is feeling so good after his surgery. We are keeping our paws crossed that his other eye keeps responding to the medicine.

  27. Sorry we've not been commenting - I'm so happy to stop in and see this update! R looks SO GOOD! He looks happy and actually younger. Just so wonderful!

  28. Hooray, Hooray, for R's good news. So wonderful that his pain is gone and he is running freely in the desert.


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