Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 30, 2018

The Land of Red Rock

During our desert trip, the Runner took me to see gorgeous sandstone slopes where he and our Black Dog love to run.

The orange-red rock particularly glows at sunset when the sun casts golden light on it.

I loved wandering the hills of rock so much that I wanted to go back for sunset every day! Nature's beauty awes me.

After sunset, we'd wander back to K's Rock, where we'd watch the daylight fade to dusk, while the sandstone glowed red in the last sun rays of the afternoon.

Sunset was very early by the end of our trip - around 5 PM. That's a drag when camping because it's a long night to pass in a sleeping bag. However, the stars kept me entertained after dark. The Milky Way was visible behind K's Rock, and sometimes the rock was lit up by the moon!

Then, over the course of many hours of darkness, the Milky Way would rotate around the North Star just like all the other stars do.

I set up my camera to automatically capture the sky all night long. When I got home, I condensed 14 hours of darkness and stars into a 35 second video so that you could see the Milky Way's movement throughout the night. Here's the very short video. Be sure to notice how the moon lit up K's Rock at the start but then the moon set, leaving K's Rock dark for the rest of the video.

We are joining the LLB Gang for Nature Friday!


  1. Your desert shots are just gorgeous, KB, and we loved your video! Nature is truly incredible!

  2. Hari Om
    Reminds me of Australia! YAM xx

  3. I Could Watch Those Time Lapse Videos All Day Long - Absolutely Stunning - Thanx So Much For Putting In The Time To Build That Clip - Well Done


  4. I would have missed the light then dark on the cliffs if not for your words, or not noticed it I mean. that second photo showing the light and dark glowing colors is amazing. so beautiful. I like the perspective of man and dog showing how tall those cliffs are. even more amazing is compacting that much time into a few seconds. wow.

  5. Are there even words for all of Nature's awesome beauty?? You captured it so well in your photos and video. It must have been beautiful to witness first hand.

  6. That video was so beautiful! And the stars are amazing, we rarely get to see them so clearly here. Too much light from the cities.

  7. Wow!! BEautiful red rocks and such lovely stars! I always love watching the satellites and/or planes that seem to shoot across the skies too!

  8. Oh my word if I tried to run or walk in all that natural beauty I absolutely get no where. Gorgeous!!
    Runner and Black Dog are in excellent physical shape. This morning I saw the brightest star I've seen in a while (in the city). It made me think of all your celestial post and here we have another one
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. oh my!! Exquisite! I can feel the warmth from your photos... and the video! WOW!!!!

  10. I guess all that dark time gives you plenty of unplugged time! Beautiful area!

  11. Amazing - by far the most beautiful of all the Nature Fridays we have seen today!!!

  12. Your page always provides the most beautiful pictures.

  13. We always love seeing the beautiful nature you find on your adventures. Those night sky videos are so amazing to watch.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. So much beauty! Your night photos blow me away! And Shyla ... what a beautiful girl she is, and that lighting on her is magnificent!

  16. Absolutely spectacular photos!

  17. That was so cool with the rock lit up by the moon at first, and then so dark. The moon amazes me sometimes with how bright it can be!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. our video was amazing!
    Hazel & Mabel


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