Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 7, 2018

Rock Sculptures and Beautiful Skies

One place that we stayed in the desert had the most intricately sculpted very tall canyon walls. The yellow leaves of the cotton woods almost disappeared against the backdrop of the red walls.

The red rock walls form huge and wide canyons.

The wind whipping through the canyons has eroded away huge quantities of rock in places, leaving behind only the hardest rock in the form of huge buttes that reach for the sky.

Even the sandy ground in this area holds secrets. This intricate nest was built by chimney bees. The tube leading up and out of the underground nest was only a centimeter tall and a half centimeter across. After I saw one of these, I saw them everywhere!

One fun mountain bike ride was along a rim that gave me very long views!

Due to the extremely short days, I sometimes was still out as the sun set. That was a sight to behold!

When I was back in camp, the sky would sometimes light up as the sun dipped below the horizon.

And the red walls near us would glow.

Then the stars would emerge, incliuding the Milky Way. The canyon walls in this photo are the same ones as in the daylight photo just above.

I made a very short time lapse video of the sky as the Milky Way floated across the sky and clouds floated in front of it.

We are joining our friends from the LLB Gang for Nature Friday!


  1. Those rock formations and those beautiful starts are utterly amazing!

  2. What a treat these photos are! I love the movement in the sky. You can almost feel the clouds moving over the red rocks and canyons!

  3. KB you have rendered this Southern Lady speechless.
    Oh that blue sky and red rocks...
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. My favorite shot is the one with the lone bicycle. That's awesome.

    Loved the video. You don't see all those stars if you live in the city.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  5. The chimney bee's nest is so cool. Gorgeous photos!

  6. I just love your photos so much! I feel at a loss for words so often after reading your blog and looking at the photos. They really move me. The beauty, the intensity of the colors, it's all so very incredible!

  7. Very pretty, and that nest thing is pretty cool. Never seen something like that before!

  8. Wow, it's really amazing to think that the wind helped form those rocks!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. I think you are trying to tease those of us who are experiencing super cold temps! lol. Gorgeous!

  10. That sunset shot looks like flames dancing in the skies. The rock formation are incredible. And the chimney bees nests are very interesting to see. We are once again in awe of Mother Nature AND our beautiful photos of her.

  11. As always, most amazing photos. That chimney bee tube is truly fascinating!

  12. How interesting about the chimney bee! The photos are all just wonderful
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. oh KB,,,, the photos are so beautiful!


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