Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Daily Dose of Puppy Cuteness

We are still enjoying our sweet puppy, and so is R! We are so thankful for the dose of smiles that Hachi brings us every day.

Hachi and R have become best friends very fast!

I have been teaching Hachi new things. He's "learning how to learn" at warp speed. I've been working on "impulse control" games with him, where he has to resist the urge to pounce on the jackpot of treats and do something else to earn them. In one of the games that we've been playing, he must make eye contact with me to earn a treat. I hold a handful of treats in front of him, either in a closed hand or an open hand depending whether he has the self control to have the treats in his view. He needs to look away from my hand to make eye contact with me to get a treat. That's the first segment in the video that I have below.

The second part of the video is Hachi meeting a treat dispensing toy called a "Bob-a-lot". It is super fun to watch him experiment to figure out how to get the toy to give him treats. He even tries the silly approach of barking at it.

I hope that you enjoy watching the Hachi cuteness as much as I do!

Thank you to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. Hari OM
    ...and thank YOU for sharing your darling, clever little boy with us!!! YAM xx

  2. puppies are like a wonder of nature... and their magical power can bring a smile on our face no matter what...;O)

  3. he is so smart and so cute and so precious...his paws make me want to rub them. actually I would like to play with the bob a lot myself.

  4. That is cuteness overload fur sure! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. OMD, can he get any cuter! That Bob-a-Lot toy is very generous with the treats!

    1. It is adjustable. I had the treat-dispensing windows wide open because it was his first time trying it. I am gradually closing them so it won't be so generous and will require harder work by Hachi! The Duo also has a bigger version of it!

  6. Hachi is so lucky to have such a great big brother to play with. That video is so sweet. He sure is a smart pup.

  7. So much fun watching the little guy figure out how to make things work for him. Love the Bob-a-Lot.

  8. You are every so cute, Hachi. I'm having fun seeing what you're up to each day.

    Have a woof woof Thankful Thursday. My best to your mom. ♥

  9. Oh my goodness, he is so precious. I love his eyes! And those perfect folded-over ears.

  10. He is such a bright boy, and growing very fast! Listening to the video is making my pup, Ollie, bark!

  11. Perfect for a food motivated puppy. Training me has been a challenge because I am not that interested in food and I self reward by doing the behavior and then moving on to something else. It's wonderful R and Hatchi are so close.

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my Dogs....................I'm smiling from ear to ear. Love how much you and R have bonded. Hachi your feet are just precious crossed there in the beginning. I'm a Cherrio girl..I like my with 'nanners. I was cheering for you with the Bob toy waiting for you to know it on the other side of tomorrow to get your treat.
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Oh I could watch Hachi for HOURS! At the beginning of the video I was laughing at his crossed paws again....he is quite a quick learner, it was darling when he was barking at the treat dispenser and I love his determination to be sure he got the treats out of it!

  14. Those crossed paws are over the TOP!!! What an adorable, smart boy!!

  15. Nothing beats a puppy for bringing smiles!

  16. Hachi is really engaged, both with you and the toy. He seems to figure out how to get the treats quickly. Cute to watch!

  17. LOL - we love that little backup move Hachi had while trying to figure out how to get the treat from your hand. And the pack here went crazy watching the video part where he is working at the toy dispenser - his little bark got their attention quickly.

  18. Oh my gosh, he is SO fun to watch. The way those ears perk forward is priceless!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. Those ears, that energy, all that fun! How are you getting anything else done? :-)

    And I love the training that you're doing with him. He's learning so quickly, and don't you just love that he'll grow up with confidence in himself and have none of those "fears" like your girl Shyla had, and our boy Chipper does.

  20. Are those ears getting bigger and longer?? lol I really love his build and how smart he is. He's a beautiful dog.

  21. Hachi is so much fun to watch!
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. Hachi, I was barkin' back at you, tryin' to tells you how to gets the treaties out, butts then you figured it out on your own, you smartie pants!
    Oh, and I do the same hopping thing all the times when it comes to foodables...Ma calls me a wabbit ☺
    Okays, gonna watch it again....
    Ruby ♥

  23. Hachi you are the cutest puppy ever. Well except for Fenris, but he is all grown up now.

  24. He sure is a fast learner! LOVE the cow bell tinkling with the puppy pounces.

  25. Oh my gosh, when Hachi turned sideways to the treat and sat down, like "I don't care about that ol' treat!" I burst out laughing :)
    I still do the "eye contact for a treat" often, to remind Piper to look at me - it's become even more important as her hearing loss has increased. She learned a hand signal for EVERY command beginning when she was a puppy, and has always been very good about following either/or. But now, if she "forgets" to look at me, a hand signal doesn't have much effect!


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