Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thankful Thursday - Bad News, Good News

I had a very different post planned for today but life got in the way.

I arrived home yesterday to find R in distress. He was barking in a very upset way, couldn't pee although he wanted to, and had blood in a place where there should never be any. I rushed him to an emergency vet, and the Runner met us there.

The vets think that he passed a kidney stone and has a UTI. They are slightly worried there's something worse underlying those problems but they didn't see any evidence of that in their many tests.
So, for today, I am thankful that R has something that he can recover from... and my fingers are crossed that the recovery is smooth.

Thanks to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday blog hop.


  1. R we send lots of POTP and a big hug... and we are grateful too that it will heal up...

  2. Oh dear, how scary for all of you, thank goodness you got home when you did. Tons of purrs and POTP coming your way R. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  3. We send POTP to sweet R. I have never had kidney stones but my mom has a chronic problem so I know how painful they can be! Poor guy!

  4. I am praying now for R and for all of you. hope he is better today. poor sweetie and hugs coming his way

  5. Oh, precious R. He does seems to have more than his fair share of health issues to overcome - but, he always does! I'll bet he feels much better already :) POTP from here...

  6. hari OM
    POTP...POTP...POTP... x87... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. All paws are crossed that the meds help and there isn't anything more wrong with R.

  8. My paws are crossed for you, R, and we send you lots of AireZen and healing vibes♥

  9. O` no!!!!
    I hope he is feeling much better today and nothing else is going on.
    Prayers from all of us here.
    Linda, Jeff, Astro and Mitzie

  10. Oh goodness, how skeery for both of you! Feel better soon, Uncle R!!

  11. Oh no. I hope he recovers quickly. They can make us feel so helpless.

    Have a fabulous stress free day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  12. We're keeping all our paws crossed and also have some prayers on the way for R for a quick and complete recovery.

  13. Oh ouch. I hope he feels better fast.

  14. I Thank You For Being A Responsible Dog Owner - Well Done

    Big Family Hugs

  15. Passing a kidney stone is the most painful of all, and there can be a HUGE amount of blood. Then the UTI, if it is anything like what we have, he will be so miserable. Hope it clears up and the vet tests show an "all clear" sign.

  16. Poor fella - so glad you got there when you did and were able to rush R to the doc. Here's hoping for a smooth and comfortable recovery!

  17. Oh no, poor R. Paws crossed he will be alright. Sounds like he was in a lot of pain.

  18. Oh no...R...sweet boy I'm so sorry UTI and kidney stones bless your heart. Thank goodness your mom got you to the ER clinic quickly. Sending loads of hugs and prayers

  19. Poor "R!!" I am a human and just had my 13th lithotripsy for kidney stones........they are no fun for humans and I can only imagine how bad they have to be for a dog. My first cat once had surgery to remove SIX kidney stones. He was over 12 yrs old at the time and did quite well. Sending healing wishes to "R"!!

    1. I am so sorry for all that you've been through with stones. It seems as if R passed his, thank goodness. He's finally on the mend!

  20. Poor R. Hope it was just a stone and that episode is well and truly over.

  21. So sorry to hear about R. We are thinking of you and R. Hope he feels better soon.

  22. Poor R has been through so much. POTP and warm positive thoughts from our mountain to yours.

  23. Oh no! Poor R - and poor you, how scary! Not something else, you've already had enough. We hope and pray that he heals quickly and easily. Sending love and hugs.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  24. thank goodness you and the Runner didn't wait. sometimes hours can even make a difference.
    I'm so glad he's better. we won't think anything else! sending him love and his whole pack too! xo

  25. Fingers crossed! I do love that sweet boy, who already has gone through so much.

  26. So sorry to hear this. My husband would tell you that kidney stones are no fun, either to have or to pass! We hope R is going to be just fine. Please give him a hug from me.

  27. Sending R lots of POTP and hope he heals quickly!

  28. Hope R gets feeling better quickly!
    Hazel & Mabel

  29. Sending oodles of poodles of healing thoughts.


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