Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wordless Wednesday - Brothers at Play

R can look incredibly ferocious. Don't worry - he is the gentlest elder brother that you can imagine!


  1. ooooh THAT look!!! you caught some super special moments with your cam BRAVO!

  2. I miss these play fights so much, baby and jake did this all the time. these photos just gave bob and I a laugh out loud moment.

  3. Hari OM
    that's my daily grin in place! YAM xx

  4. BOL!! First to second picture cracked me up -- "I can play with the big boys!" "Crap crap crap, no, I'm just a baby!!!"

  5. The look on Hachi's face in the second picture is hilarious. It makes me smile to see how R has welcomed his little brother into the family.

  6. What fun you boys are having! Love the pics!

  7. Such great captures too. Love that middle one. That look on Hachi's face is priceless.

    Have a woof woof Wordless Wednesday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  8. There's nothing like a puppy in the house to make us live in the present. I have read all your posts that show up and show the puppy at play and sleeping too. I admire you for not letting a mountain lion intimidate you. Actually tracking it. You live a truly wonderful life at exactly twice as high up as I am, at 4,111 ft. Not sure I could breathe at that altitude.

  9. Happy to see that the three here aren't the only ones who look ferocious when they are really just playing:)

  10. Bailie and I show big teeth a lot too, but it is all for fun. So happy they enjoy each other so much.

  11. Hachi, this is just a good time to tell your dentist you can indeed..."Open Wide". Those eyes and on two hind feet, what fun.

  12. Oh my stars and stripes I just cackled(because I know you are both sweet guyz and it was all in fun) at the first one. In my mind's ear...you 2 were saying, "my tonsils are bigger than your tonsils"!
    Well done on capturing these adorable shots.
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Thanks for the morning smile!! What a couple of "fierce" puppies LOL

  14. Hachi seems a bit awe struck in the second photo...BOL!

  15. What fun they are having! I used to get a lot of shots like that of our golden, Sheba, when she was playing with Luke. She was the sweetest girl in the world but, boy, could she look ferocious!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Ha hi looks shocked in the second picture! Love it all!

  17. Too good not to share! I talked about, and linked to, this post today! Thank you. I do remember R playing with another puppy once, but wasn’t he lying on his back then? Still looking ferocious,of course.

  18. Hachi's expression in the second photo is hilarious!!

  19. R and Loki go waaaaaay back in cracker history. Being a cracker is all 'tude! There's something so silly about dogs who have ferocious looking play. When Loki want affection he groans like a curmudgeonly grumpy man and shoves his pointy nose between your thighs, burying his face (because looking at me is a no no in his mind, and in most dogs minds). And when he wants something, he's pushy and will bark in your face (well only mine or MWDs because we egg him on) but that's who he is, pushy. I like pushy dogs. And I love crackers who look ferocious. Loki says, good show of them choppers R. Show that little one how cracker is done!

  20. We love to see them play! R is such a good big brother!

  21. BOL!!!! OMD, that is so adorables! I thinks there will be LOTS of bitey face in their future....
    Ruby ♥

  22. Hachi looks like maybe he's thinking..."hmm, I may have bit off a little more than I can chew!"


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