Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Dreaming of Springtime!

Snow can be so pretty! (and so is Shyla!)

But the snow has really piled up here in recent weeks. I have got to admit that it's starting to feel almost bottomless, especially to little Hachi.
I wonder if he thinks that it's snowy here all year long? I'm guessing that he can't visualize a world without snow.

Before springtime arrives up here in the mountains, I am hoping that we can find some warmth somewhere in the desert. The last time that we were in the desert, we had two canines...
Life has changed since then, in a wonderful way!


  1. What great shots and we're all dreaming of springtime.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  2. Lookin' good in the hat, girl! Enjoy the snow. We are hoping to get a few fresh inches later today.

  3. they have to rewrite that I'm dreaming of white christmas song... we dream about a green spring ;O)

  4. Hari OM
    OMD that hat is so Shyla!!! Hachi is growing so much, the snow won't be a problem before long! YAM xx

  5. he will wonder what has happened when spring comes.. I love his paws and am thinking he might grow up to be bigger than his siblings. The hat shot is adorable

  6. Come on down...tho it is wetter and cooler than normal.
    Box Canyon

  7. I always wonder what the youngsters are thinking as they move through their first round of New England seasons. Some of my favorites are seeing kitten watch leaves fall in Autumn for the first time, and seeing goats step into their first real snow :)

  8. You look so adorable in your snowy hat, Shyla!

  9. Priceless pictures! It's snowing here right now and Samson and I are loving it. Faith not so much. Thanks for your suggestion. I never tried it. thought it wouldn't work with regular treats, but I think it will work great with frozen ones. I will buy some next time I go to town. You are such a good dog trainer and an inspiration to me. I plan to train Faith in some of the things you train your dogs. She learned the difference between her ball and her bone after I saw how you trained Shyla. Faith is super bright and gets easily bored, so I need to work with her more. Thanks again.

  10. Hachi is going to enjoy the warm earth beneath his feet instead of cold snow.

  11. WOW WOW on that last photo.
    Hachi looks like he is tiptoeing thru the 'tulips'!
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. when you're as low to the ground as little Hachi it's got to be a belly shocker! LOL
    not sure how much Shyla loves the hat but I LOVE it on her. it made me laugh out loud! great pics! xoxo

  13. I bet you can't wait to see how Hachi is going to like the desert! We got a couple days here that were in the 50's - a spring tease - boy, did we really enjoy our walks! Luke didn't need his coat and I didn't need my hat and gloves for more than a few minutes! Winter is coming back, of course, but we made the best of our little respite.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. We hope the snow is gone soon and the spring weather is here. Hachi, you are too cute. You look like you had enough of the snow. Hope you have a great time visiting the desert. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  15. That is such a cute picture of Shyla. With our big warm up all the snow (30 inches) has disappeared. We bet Hachi will love running around a snow free world.

  16. After a while, that snow gets to be too much - doesn't take much for this old lady. But we can't say the same for the pups:) We have freezing rain here tonight.

  17. Love those photos, our heat has gone, about 16C outside, almost cool!!! Guess you will have snow for a lot longer, and Hachi will have time to play in it, and know what fun he can have.

  18. We got more snow last night and today so going to the desert sounds good. Can't wait to hear what Hachi thinks about it
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. His day in the sun will come soon enough. Stay warm these next couple of days. It's some kind of brrrrr out there. 🥶


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