Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Super Puppy Bowl

Hachi sometimes looks like an incredibly cute puppy without a hint of mischief or seriousness.

And, then, seconds later after he starts to play, he can look like an crazed puppy.

And then he transforms again. He gets his ears back under control, and he changes to a more serious puppy.
He seems to oscillate among these states throughout a day... because he's a play-loving puppy!

In honor of Super Bowl Sunday, I am sharing footage from our local puppy bowl today (a.k.a., puppy socialization class). Enjoy the video!

It is tons of fun to watch the puppies play but it also serves a more serious purpose. It teaches puppies how to understand dog communication and get along with all sorts of other puppies and people. I can attest that Hachi has improved almost an unbelievable amount in these classes over the past 6 weeks. He used to get into small tiffs with other puppies several times during a class and now he plays peaceably with them. If these classes work like they did for R, Hachi will grow into an adult who can get along with almost any other dog... and that's a wonderful quality!


  1. Hari Om
    It's always a joy to visit you here... but I have to admit, the addition of Hachi is bringing an extra level of fun!!! YAM xx

  2. Such a sweet cutie and we sure are enjoying all of his fun times!

  3. Hachi you have perfect R's crazed Labra look 100%. Per chance do you have springs in your paws? The video cracked me at. In the beginning, I think the Weimaraner thought the gate was a no Hachi zone but you showed him/her.
    I could tell there were times when you and the other pups experienced an 'ahh moment' realizing that certain actions caused reactions and you all adjusted.
    Thank you so much for sharing the fun video...way better than the Super bowl will be I'm sure.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Is that a baby Phenny he is playing with? How cute.

  5. Hachi sure is having fun and learning lots at the same time.

  6. You can tell Hachi is more proficient at puppy play. When Ellie was in puppy class she was far more interested in the people than the other puppies. Lucy strutted in as if she were the star. The other puppies taught her a lesson quickly. Supervised play is so important to their growth into good dogs.

  7. Black Dog Says,"Awwwwww The Whole Bed."

    Much Love

  8. You had me running over to mom's computer to watch you play with the pups, Hachi! You guys are sure vocal! We love watching you interact with all of the other puppies!

  9. So cute. The class seems like an excellent idea.

  10. Sweet to crazed...yep, that's a puppy! So cute watching the pups play.

  11. I'll never forget 5 years ago when Luke was a puppy and we had our own personal puppy bowl going on...there's nothing better!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. One thing for sure - Hachi isn't shy:) He looks to be the hit of the show!!! We bet he sleeps well after all that playing.

  13. I saw onw at the lower corner,paler curly fur, he seemed to be quite shy.Hachi is in his element there, such a good way to learn.Do you have to travel far for this?

    1. We travel further than we wish to. We go to a few different classes that are either 40 min from our house or an hour from our house. It's worth it though!

      The new puppies always are very shy at the start. It takes them a few classes before they play with confidence. Hachi was shy at his first class. Not anymore!

  14. Hachi seem very comfortable and confident in his play!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. I loved the video!! It was better than the "real" puppy-bowl, which I did watch some of. But you're so right about socialization. I don't know if you remember or not, but Todd attended day-care for nearly a year for the very same reasons that Hachi goes to class. Being a high-spirited Scottie, I needed Todd to be able to get along with all dogs, and I owe his being able to, to all the fun socialization he had that first year.

  16. Its so much fun seeing all the "happiness" in these puppies playing together! Hachi is having a good time for sure!

  17. Oooooooo! How funs!!! This was MUCH better than that Snooperbowl that was playin' on the teevees! I could watch you guys fur hours Hachi!
    Ruby ♥

  18. puppy play is good for the soul, and now mine feels a lot happier than before I saw this. I love the crazed Hachi..

  19. Oh my gosh, that was a video full of giggle opportunities. Hachi is so doggone cute!


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