Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thankful Thursday - Positive Training!

Hachi has absolutely endless energy these days. He has so much energy that he easily creates mischief around the house if we aren't careful. We burn off some of it by playing with him outside when it's warm and sunny like it's been recently.

Mental games also seem to work in tiring him out. So, when a box arrived in the mail the other day, I decided to use it for a training game with Hachi. The game was to use a clicker and treats to try to get him to sit in the box. It worked!

Check out the video here.

Yet again, I am thankful for Positive Training on this Thankful Thursday. I also thank Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Hachi is so much fun to watch, he's a smart one too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. that flying jump into the air made me laugh out loud, he is sooooo beautiful, also as smart as he is beautiful

  3. Yay, Hachi! You did it☺ You are such a smart boy and so cute!

  4. we are suprised what super things you can do with a box... apart from chewing it to confetti, what we would do ... well done Hachi!!!

  5. We knew you would get it Hachi! You are a super fast learner and you have a good teacher too.

  6. Puppies do have a lot of energy. I wish I had some of it.

    Have a woof woof day, Hachi. My best to your peeps. Happy Thankful Thursday. ♥

  7. That's awesome! And it's similar to what I did with Maggie -- just for extra stimulus, exercise, bonding, trust ... you know. Of course, now she wants to jump into every box she sees. :)
    Hachi is such a fast learner!

  8. Appaws Appaws Hachi!! WTG you sure were concentrating!! Give Mom a high five too
    I LOL'd at you the first time you had 3 legs in and all of sudden turned to see what was up. Before long you'll need a larger box
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Poor Hatchi! Forced to act like a cat for treats, LOL! Fun little fellow.

  10. I love clicker training! It has changed everything I do for the positive. Looks like Hachi loves it too!

  11. What a smart little guy! Good job both of you.

  12. We know what mischief bored, energetic puppies can wreak in the house. He looks like he really loves his training sessions.

  13. Oh my goodness, that Hachi is SO smart. We loved the way he looked at you after he would just touch the box, like OK, where is my treat?

  14. Good boy Hachi!! Mabel learned to get in the box with a clicker too!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. He's so cute! I feel you on the endless energy. I'm not used to having a puppy in the house. LOL! It's exhausting at times.

  16. Yay, Hachi, you are such a good learner! What a simple but fun game to play!

  17. Hachi is soooo funny,,, and smart!
    Look at him do the hop!


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