Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Warmth and Sunshine, Finally

I had a bit of time out in the snow this morning with Hachi. It was finally above freezing so he seemed happy to be out and my fingers were not blocks of ice.

I am not very good at photographing him in motion yet. He leaps vertically at unpredictable times, and he leaps straight out of my frame!

He's a puppy through-and-through, and I had fun with him.

It is so fun to see the world through the eyes of a puppy. We don't get to do it very many times so we're trying to enjoy each day of it.
Hachi certainly is enjoying it!


  1. and we enjoy the sunshine and your Hachi ;O)

  2. I am truly enjoying his exuberance in life through your photos. keep playing and clicking, I look forward to seeing what you see each day

  3. Photo #3 Has Some Serious Personality - Well Done


  4. Appaws appaws!! I think your photos perfectly capture Hachi's endearing spirit and endless joy.
    I LOVE HIS EARS...they are almost as expressive as his eyes and smile.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. The sunshine and warm temps are a real treat after last week's Stock Show weather. Hachi is so darn cute. If he fills out his ears, he's gonna be one BIG boy.

  6. Wishing my 1 1/2 year old schnauzer was a puppy again. Hachi is delightful.

  7. I love all the pictures but his ears in the third one gave me a chuckle. They look so huge compared to his head when they are standing up like in the picture.

  8. Love the third photo with one ear partly folded down. Looks like a fun romp.

  9. He's such a happy boy! Lucky you to get some sunshine and warmth. We got the sun, but not the warmth. Hopefully soon!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. What great times! I love the photos. The second one really shows off those power-paws!
    Please send the sun and warmth to your neighbors! Thanks from the entire state of Kansas,

    1. I wish that I could make your weather sunny and warm. For us, it's a reprieve of a few days before it starts snowing again :)

  11. Glad you were able to enjoy some gorgeous winter sunshine. Hachi is getting so big - what a cutie pie and so joyful!

  12. Hachi is adorable, but you take the very best actions shots. You really do.

    Have a woof woof day, Hachi. You enjoy the sun. My best to your mom. ♥

  13. Puppyhood just goes by so quickly - enjoy every minute of it. It looks like ears are growing fast like those paws:)

    We could use some warmer temps here, but no mud,

  14. You are having the most bestest fun, Hachi!

  15. Hachi, we hope you are having a great time outside. Looks like a fun day of running around. Hope the weather for you gets warmer and no more snow this season. Great photos of you. Have a wonderful time.
    World of Animals

  16. What a fun time Hachi has and gives in return.

  17. Hachi just exudes joy and happy!
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. Dogs love the snow. Mine sure does.

  19. Hachi has learned how to soar!!!
    I bet Shyla and R taught him how!


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