Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 22, 2019

Wintery Week in the Rockies

I think that the past few years of mild winters have made this normal one feel extreme. I get out on my fat bike every day with Shyla by my side.

It can be very hard to take those first few pedal strokes as the frigid air stings my face and immediately begins to turn my fingers into ice blocks. However, when we get moving, I am almost always happier for having done it. And Shyla never complains - she gallops and leaps exuberantly no matter what the weather is.

Sunny days have been rare recently. More often than not, snow is either falling from the sky or being blown parallel to the ground. A weather station near us recently said that the wind was blowing steadily at 49 mph with gusts to 75 mph. No wonder Shyla is constantly covered in snow! And no wonder I get blown over on my bike (no photos of that).

A wonderful thing about having Shyla as my riding partner is her amazing happiness every day. I feel gratitude whenever I see her happy gallop that she's so much less fearful than a couple of years ago and can seem so carefree.

When the sun peeks out, I can stop to photograph the frost that is stuck to all of the dried plants. Those photos show me how amazing Mother Nature is.
Our world is beautiful, no matter what.

Thanks to the LLB Gang for hosting the Nature Friday Blog Hop.


  1. Shyla sure is having some romping fun and that frosty photo is totally amazing!

  2. it is... and your pups make it eggs-tra beautiful... no matter what ;O)

  3. You look so happy despite the fact that it's so cold out, Shyla! What an incredible frost shot, KB!

  4. Gosh, that is some kind of wind, KB! i'm not surprised you got blown over - I doubt I could have gotten back up. Look how happy Shyla is - in her element, no matter the weather, when she's out on the trails with you.
    And that tiny frozen lattice is amazing! I'm trying to imagine how it formed.

  5. That shiny thing you see in the sky is a reflection of my great big Cheshire Cat smile. This post made me happy happy happy. Love that display of mother nature.
    Hugs to the Trio and the parental units

  6. What great actions shots. Wow. Looks mighty cold though.

    Have a woof woof day and weekend. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  7. Oh my word! That last photo is amazing! What detail!
    Love the pix of Shyla. She is such a beauty.
    That wind sounds worse than here in Kansas! I think we're getting your snow tomorrow.

  8. that last shot is absolutely stunning. Shyla is certainly a 'wonder dog' and I don't know how you both go out in the cold and high wind weather.

  9. We love those pictures of Shyla and that picture of the frost is super cool.

  10. Getting out into nature in any weather is always good for the heart and soul, and with a furry friend at your side, even better.

  11. I too haven't seen this much snow in years. Here it's much less than where you are and melts quickly into the worst mud ever! But for as long as we have it, the dogs and I are just as happy as Shyla in the snow. Lovely shots of her as always.

  12. Ice on the plant, that is the most amazing detail.And Shyla, she has so much fun there, what a delight for you both.

  13. Gosh, that last photo in particular is truly exquisite. Love watching your girl gallop in the snow!

  14. OH, wow, that last photo is just amazing - Mother Nature is a great artist!!! We too have been spoiled by mild winters, and this one hits hard. Too much cold, bitter cold:(

  15. Amazing photos. Worth getting outside away from the warmth.....for awhile.

  16. We can't imagine being out in that kind of wind! Love your photos
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. Snow is beautiful but I am personally ready for some green beauty.

  18. I can't believe you're out bicycling in that cold. I'm a wimp, just a wimp.

  19. I am so impressed you get out on your bike every day; considering I've been hiding out in the house on a few of our colder days!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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