Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wordless Wednesday - Frigid Winter

It's been below 0°F here for days

So thank goodness that Hachi is not afraid of his coat anymore!

This stir crazy photographer has been having her dogs pose indoors!


  1. that photo is such an artpiece Bravo to the 3 pup-sketeers and bravo to you!!!

  2. They all look like saying " Please let us outside".

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hachi thanks for the first pose and to the stir crazy photographer
    I say bravo bravo bravo for the last photo of your Trio.

    I saw on the news today Colorado Springs' Peak road had a mountain of snow plowed over to the side. I cannot imagine how long it will take for that to melt.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. yet another post full of fun photos of your trio... i never get tired of seeing them

  5. Photo #3 PRICLESS - I Mean What A Shot - Please Hand Out Extra Treats "Just Because" From Uncle T - Well Done


  6. We get stuck inside when it's too cold too. Lucky for us the temps have not been too cold but we do have a bit of snow on the ground. Your pictures, as always, are so precious. Stay warm!

  7. hari OM
    ... and we are grateful to that 'stir crazy' photographer! YAM xx

  8. I wonder how big Hatchi will get? We haven't had more than a couple below zero days, which we don't mind. Hope your weather warms up.

    1. We are guessing that Hachi will somewhere in the 45 lb range but we could be very wrong! It's kind of fun not knowing what he'll be like as a grown up!

  9. Really enjoying all your Furkid portraits! That's how I've been spending a lot of the chilly and rainy days lately too, training and photo shoots LOL!

  10. Aw, you are all so adorable. Hachi fits right in. He's ever so cute.

    Have a woof woof Wordless Wednesday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  11. Great pictures, KB! We never tire of seeing your wonderful trio!

  12. We have had a much colder winter too, but not THAT cold. We got SNOW overnight - oh what fun we have outside in the snow!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Oh my stars! That last shot is just so wonderful!!!! What a wonderful trio!!!

  14. Doesn't Hachi look smart in his red jacket!
    It's snowing here again, and there's already a couple of inches of powder of top of the ice and although I remind myself repeatedly every single day of the MANY things I am truly thankful for, I confess I am thoroughly weary of having to be concerned about falling Every Single Step outside, day after day after day. February is really outdoing itself this year!

  15. That sounds warm! It was -15F here today. We are looking forward to the end of winter.

  16. OMD, lookie at you guys!!! So funs lookin' at all your pawsome pictures!!!! Hachi, you are growin' like a weed my furiend!
    Ruby ♥

  17. Keep those "Awww" moments pictures coming!

  18. It will be interesting to see if Hachi grows into those paws!
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. Oh, he's wearing the coat - yay!! Hope it's warmed up there! It's been cold here, but not quite that cold, thank goodness.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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