Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog seems to be feeling great. He's full of energy and loves playing in the snow.

He races his sister with an intensity that is surprising.

And they both love bowling me over at the end of a recall. They make me laugh.

We had a funny moment during our snowshoe hike when both dogs sunk down deep in the snow. I told them both to "stay", and they did! While I fiddled with my camera, they seemed to start to dose off in the warm sun. That made me incredulous. Can you imagine falling asleep in a snow bath?

I love our Labraduo so much.
Happy Black Dog and Brown Dog Sunday!  And Happy St. Patty's Day! (Two more months of winter here!)


  1. St Patrick's Day, our son-in-law's birthday. The Duo in the snow, that gives me a huge smile.

  2. they are just soooooooooooooooo beautiful! I can not imagine laying in the snow at all, much less dozing..

  3. Oh my gosh, that is too funny!! I love those two. It's so wonderful to see R feeling so well.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  4. Hari OM
    I don't know - that looks quite cosy! YAM xx

  5. Oh my word that 'stay' photo is amazingly beautiful and heart warming.
    I love how R and Shyla feed off each other's energy
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. That 'stay' pose is definitely smile inducing. ☘️

  7. That snow stay looks COLD to me, but I'm glad they had fun!

  8. Your pups are adorable and your action shots are breathtakingly beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Sunday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. You both look so sweet sleeping in the snow!

  10. such beauties! having fun in the snow with Mom! xoxo

  11. 2 more months of winter!? We are glad none of you mind the cold and snow. Keep having fun, and happy St. Patty's day. Lucy and Xena

  12. So glad to see R looking his normal exuberant self! That sunny snow snooze does look cozy - if one has a thick fur coat...

    Chris from Boise

  13. Such a beautiful duo in the snow!!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
    Rosy, Arty & Jakey

  14. I love them too, what a pair! The sun finally showed up here after the coldest, wettest winter I can remember since I moved here.

  15. Do you think the nap was a subtle hint that you were taking too long?

  16. Its so wonderful to see how happy R and Shyla are,,, and they enjoy the snow so much!
    Beautiful photos!

  17. We are so happy to hear that R is feeling good!!! That "stay" in the snow is beautiful. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

  18. The picture with them both snoozing in the snow made me laugh :)

  19. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you. Millie would easily fall asleep in the snow too.

  20. He's looking GREAT! I love the shot of R and Shyla napping in the snow!


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