Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog had a treat-filled week.

And that's how every week should be, says he!

He and his sister tossed treats in the air with glee.

They even clashed teeth as the tried to snarf the treats raining through the air.

And, at the end, strings of slobber hung between their faces.

Only now do I realize how extraordinary it is that neither of them feels the need to guard their treats. They've had lives filled with plenty of food, and they are both secure in the knowledge that food will fill their bowls every day for the rest of their lives.
Poor Hachi is not yet able to grasp that idea. He's improving, two steps forward and one step backward... but I imagine that overcoming early experiences of needing to fight for your food is very hard.

His Zen Black Dog Brother is here to help him.
Our Black Dog has now been off of antibiotics for a full week with no relapses of his UTI/kidney issues. I am very hopeful that he's finally kicked this infection! Yay!

It is indeed a Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Hari OM
    and that YAY! is seconded... YAM xx

  2. Love that they share. It is interesting that while Hailey has always had enough to eat she doesn't so much as guard but steal. Phod on the other hand, who was starving when found, would let her steal his food.

  3. Gorgeous!!! What joy in snarfing that treat, together.

  4. Wonderful photos and terrific news R!

  5. Yay for you, R, and we are smiling at yours and Shyla's treat snarfing antics☺

  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the duo shots.. throwing the treats, snarfing them up and so sweet sitting side by side with treats on their noses.

  7. What a great series of pictures of the labraduo. We're keeping our paws crossed that R stays well now that he is off the meds.

  8. Yahoooooo, for all 3 Shyla, R, & Hachi.

    Happy Sunday♥

    Astro and Mitzie

  9. That's great news about your sweet black boy. Paws crossed the good news continues and he has no more reoccurrence on the UTI.

  10. When we had multiple dogs, there was always at least one that could be just a bit territorial about food (beagles tend to be that way I think). I love seeing your two sharing so nicely and having so much fun with it!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Truly a beautiful post and FUN!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Though every dog waits for treats and food here...no fighting. There's no way they'd wait with treats on the nose!

  13. This is what Brut experienced, fighting for food before we got him at six weeks. I actually witnessed it once, when we went to visit. It was scary. I hope Hachi overcomes his fears. It's no fun when you have to guard your food. :(

    1. KB, if you ever need someone to talk to, you can email me or FB message. Good Luck!

  14. Good news on the antibiotics! Fingers crossed for no further problems at all, ever, for Mister R!

  15. Once again, amazing pictures of amazing dogs. We will keep trusting for Hachi. These things don't change overnight.

  16. Handsome R!!! One day Hachi will be right there with them. The three here are pretty good about not fighting over treats - just those three silly toys with Timber:) So happy to hear about R's health and hoping it is permanent.

  17. Yay for R! We hope he continues to feel well. Such fun pictures
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. These pictures are incredible, what a joy to see the two of them working so well together, catching treats. So glad R is doing better.

  19. Yay,, so happy that R is doing better!
    Those photos are incredible!!!

  20. Mine would never be able to do that! Shyla and R are so very good. Fortunately, no cares about food sharing with mine, either. Our newest challenge is that Cam has been switched to a prescription food, so I have to watch them closely so they don't trade.
    Hachi will learn - he has great teachers in them and you!


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