Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thankful Thursday - For Shyla and for All of You

I am so thankful for my sweet Shyla. No matter what, she's loyal and eager to make me smile. And her heart overflows with love. It's impossible to be around her without feeling it.

She is patient with her little brother and seems to enjoy sharing her life with him even though it involves sharing her humans with him.

After having such a rough start to her life, Shyla seems almost unflappable with her little brother. Shyla has become my rock as I try to deal with life's uncertainties, including how Hachi will turn out. I don't know when she took on that role. For our first few years together, I needed to be her rock all the time so that she could navigate her fears. Then, she began to heal. And now, she's a huge source of stability and love.
I am filled with gratitude for Shyla... on this Thankful Thursday.

And thanks to you for your kind and thoughtful comments on my post two days ago about Hachi. We had an hour with a trainer today, and Hachi's response to stress, including greeting strangers, was so much better. I know that the coming months will be a roller coaster ride - but it feels really nice to be filled with hope today. Your dog tales, thoughts, and advice also helped give me hope, in a realistic sort of way. No, it won't be smooth sailing. Rather, it will involve a combination of management by us and adaptations by Hachi. I hope that we are all up to it.

Thanks to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. Shyla is such a sweetie, we all love her too. I know you all are up to the Hachi challenge, and he is too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Hari OM
    I just know that you are the pack you are because you WILL all work it out!!! Sending hugs and wags. YAM xxx

  3. she is a soulpup from tongue to toe that's for sure ;O)

  4. Photo #2 - Ears Up, Ears Down - Such Expressive Eyes - Pure Joy


  5. We absolutely adore you, Shyla♥

  6. Shyla sure has come a long way and we just know with your (and your packs) help Hachi will learn how to overcome his stresses too.

  7. Your first two sentences about Shyla made my heart swell and gave me such a big smile.
    Pets are truly gifts that appear just when we need them. Kat my nephew, appeared literally out of the woods just a few weeks after his Human's beloved yellow Lab passed. Granted they had 2 other dogs to help heal their heart but Kat's mom said Kat truly worked magic and made them smile.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Seeing how much Shyla has grown and changed has to be your best hope of all for Hachi. I have no doubt you are all up to the task. You have the most important things needed - love and patience. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Janet Keefe said it for me. much better and shorter than I could say it! :)
    I'm a true believer in Love Conquers All. and it's LOVE that you have in abundance! XO

  10. For those of us who love a pet in our home, or in another home, we have a special bond, and reading the other comments, so agree you will shine through this with Hachi, and come up with all the answers, having already started. Life's beginnings must play a huge part in the future for any animal, and it might take time before Hachi, as it did for Shyla, to know how safe and how much loved he is.

  11. so glad you are feeling some better... with your skills and the other trainers, I see no reason why you can't help Hachi.. Shylas facial markings are so special

  12. We know you were overwhelmed by Hachi's behavior, but we know he is in good hands with you and your training skills and loving ways. Look how far Shyla has come. Hachi will get there too. Hugs.

  13. Shyla is such a beauty with such wise and kind eyes. Purrs and prayers for the work ahead with Hachi - we're sure y'all will be fine.

  14. My mom says living with dogs is like a whack a mole game. You solve one issue and another pops up. Patience will work with the little fellow. All the best to everyone.

  15. You have much to be thankful for. I'm sure Hachi will be fine too. You know what to do and you're doing it.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pack. ♥

  16. When you stop and look at the improvement in Shyla, we think Hachi will learn he is safe and loved, too. He is very young.

  17. I have not yet read what happened with Hachi, but I will go and find the post now. What is so special though is that whenever something happens in our lives, our blogger lives, our blogger friends are there to help, to suggest solutions, to send love and hugs. People who don't blog have no idea! If this is to help Hachi overcome something negative, he couldn't be in better hands.

  18. We love Shyla so very much,,, and that first photo of her running through the snow is spectacular!
    Shyla is so good with Hachi! Shyla has overcome so much! What a brave soul she is!
    I just feel everything will work out just fine with Hachi!

  19. You have done so much for Shyla and we know you will do all you can to help Hachi be the best he can be. we will keep our paws crossed for all of you
    Hazel & Mabel

  20. Yuppers, I concur, just lookie how Shyla is now ~ and remember the challenges that she had at furst. Just keep that in mind when Hachi is having a 'moment' (as Ma calls it ☺), and know there will be a pot of margaritas at the end of that road!
    Ruby ♥

  21. Ditto all the above. I recently re-read your posts of Shyla's first year with you from the archives. And look at her now! Hachi's "monsters" don't stand a chance against your knowledge and resources. Glad things are going better at this point.

    Chris from Boise

  22. You showed Shyla by example how to be strong and now she is strong for you. I love how she and Hachi are running in sync.

  23. I'm catching up on your posts and can (of course) totally relate to what you are dealing with, with Hachi. It has been a long time since I heard the term "trigger stacking." And those words truly say perfectly what is happening. And, I applaud you for taking the time you have taken to see and understand the entire picture of its cause and the work that is ahead to iron out this wrinkle. There is no doubt in my mind that you have some great advice and support from the trainers, and many people like me who are cheering you and Hachi on. It will not be easy, but you already know that, but I know of no one (!!!) else better "equipped" to do it than you and the Runner!!


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