Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 29, 2019

Wild Springtime

We had a few days of spring! Shyla and I had fun on our morning outings in the sunshine and warmth.

The bluebirds flitted around in trees full of bursting buds.

And, best of all, the elk herd is back! They retreated to lower elevation after our big snowstorm a couple of weeks ago.

The elk spread out across a vast meadow with the snowy mountains in the background. Less than half of the herd is in the photo. I will never stop loving watching our elk.

And, as regular readers probably know, the predators follow the elk herd. My trail cams showed how true that is as a mountain lion was out viewing the herd in broad daylight.

I have a short video of the mountain lions and other animals at a scent post to share. The scene shown as the "cover photo" of the video shows one of the biggest bobcats who I've ever seen in the middle of a serious snow squall.
And, not unexpectedly, winter is returning tomorrow. Ah well - spring was fun while it lasted!

Thanks to the LLB Gang for hosting the Nature Friday Blog Hop.


  1. Hari OM
    Could almost 'feel' the spring life bubbling! YAM xx

  2. a short spring is better than no spring. that herd is just beautiful. I love the wide shot of all of them, so peaceful looking. and can't tell the predator is near by.. I see a building off the left side, is that a barn? that bob cat is large enough to give the mountain lion a run for his money... the face markings on the bobcat are fantastic

    1. That is part of an old ranch that included a "road house" from back in the day (not that long ago) when the trip to town was on a horse and sometimes took days. My understanding is that people stopped overnight in that house. My friends now own that property, and they are preserving as much of it as they can.

  3. There is so much beauty surrounding you. Love the photos and video, KB!

  4. it's so beautiful to see how all things come back to life... a wonder... every year

  5. What beautiful sights you always have to share. We hope this return to winter doesn't last too long.

  6. I was going to say the same thing Sandra did about the wide shot. Gorgeous.
    Shyla your precious paws are the color of mocha...I'd like to give them a gentle massage
    Spring is slowly waking up in the Rockies!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Y'all are springing into winter fur sure!

  8. What great shots. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. I love those mountains with the snow, and that bobcat, a great size and not worrying about snow falling at all, guess the fur coat is so thick.

  10. And the rhythm of nature just keeps time. Hope winter is short.

  11. Oh my goodness, that bluebird!!!!!! And the wildcats -- how magnificent!
    Sorry I got so behind reading and commenting - things have been kind of crazy here. Trying to get caught up today!

  12. Our grass is really greening up with all the rain this week, but we might see some snow overnight too. Nothing like yours, but this old lady is ready for Spring.

  13. Beautiful video, I also love the wide angle of the elk herd!!

  14. Oh, I loves the Elk! FABulous shot! OMD, that Bobcat is almost as big as me! Thanks for the video!
    Ruby ♥

  15. Oh we just love seeing the bluebird, elk herd and mountain lion. Where you live is so pretty we are always amazed when we see your fantastic pictures.

  16. We haven't seen any colorful birds yet, but we've been very happy to have the deer back in our yard the last couple of mornings. Luke has been so good too...he runs along the fence to let us know they are there at the edge of the woods, but he doesn't bark and scare them away!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. Oooh, the bluebirds are back! So very pretty.

  18. Like the best spring snow storms, it came in fierce, left evidence and then was melted by the next afternoon. I love spring storms!

  19. I feel spring in your beautiful world!


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