Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 12, 2019

Nature Friday - A Brilliant Start to the Day

While so much of our country is seeing spring flowers, birds, and warmth, we are still waiting for those pleasures.

I am grateful that we have brilliant sunrises. They make my days.

Looking to the west, over the snowy Continental Divide...

More to the north...

And finally, looking to the east was the least brilliant.
 Happy Thankful Thursday. Thanks to LLB gang for hosting the blog hop.


  1. the first two are amazing shelves of color. wow

  2. That sky is nothing short of amazing!

  3. Happy Friday & Enjoy Your Weekend With The Pack.

    Much Love

  4. Happy Brilliant Nature Friday
    that is one glorious sunrise!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Lovely colors! We were in AZ a few weeks ago and were able to see some beautiful, colorful sunsets. Sadly, we don't have such brilliance out here in IL.

  6. We are on day three of our snowstorm, but we know it will all be gone next week, if it ever stops snowing! Beautiful color in the sky!

  7. those sky and cloud shapes could be printed onto fabric, gorgeous.

  8. How could you be sad or depressed when you look at that sunrise.

  9. Spectacular! That definitely helps. We're still waiting for all those things as well!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Beautiful!! That happens sometimes here with the sunsets!

  11. Oh my goodness! Beyond gorgeous!

  12. Wow! It's like a giant purple bird sheltering the mountains. Just lovely.

  13. That is the most amazing colorful sky ever!

  14. All the sunsets are beautiful.
    Soon you will see all the flowers
    wake up and we hope Tiny will appear too.
    Will you take us flying with you soon?

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  15. Look at those beautiful morning skies!! Wow, just wow.


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