Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 26, 2019

Nature Friday - Peeks

Spring is still peeking at us but doesn't feel like it's fully here.

Just outside our house, the Brown Creepers are searching for bugs in the bark of our Ponderosa Pine trees. Do you see him despite his camouflage?

A nearby pond harbors ducks and their reflections.

The bluebirds delight me! They are flitting around the brown meadows, attempting to secure nesting holes in tree trunks before the swallows arrive to try to drive them out.

This guy kept fleeing me... but I was determined to get a photo of him!

This guy seemed not to care about me, as he stood on a fencepost that contains our local Yak herd.

The Yaks have had calves!!! At last count, there were three.
It is really hard to believe that the calf will grow to be as big as his mom!

Happy Nature Friday. Thanks to the LLB Gang for hosting the blog hop.


  1. yes... that is like a miracle that this little guy will be so big and mighty once ,O)

  2. Wow, yaks! I haven't seen such animals since I visited Nepal. Lovely bird images. We are enjoying the return of the hummingbirds.

  3. I love that baby YAK... wow... and the beautiful blue bird to. my favorite photo of the day is the duck. wow. love it and of course I love the peekaboo pic to

  4. Love that peek. Great capture. Love your nature walk. There are so many wonders during the spring.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. I wish we could see baby Yak's face. I bet he is just adorable! Love that picture of you peeking, Shyla!

  6. a perfect Spring post! ducks and tiny cammo birds and blue birds and a baby yak! love them all.
    but that sweet Shyla face peeking from behind the tree... THANK YOU! XO

  7. OH MY DOGS...nature is everywhere in your 'hood. I loved the birdies and ducks and OH was I surprised to see the Yaks and the itty bitty baby Yaki!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. There are yaks up your way? How fantastically cool is that?! Love that baby yak❣️

  9. Those are all such wonderful photos! Howdy Shyla!!!

  10. Yaks and those shaggy fur coats, and a baby already, hope it keeps warm. Bluebirds are truly so beautiful, love your almost spring photos.

  11. Wow, Yaks! I'd forgotten they even existed. Never hear a thing about them, yet where else better to show up than on your blog. :)

    Shyla you're so adorable.

  12. It's hard to believe you have Yaks! Even knowing the Brown creeper was in the photo, it was still hard to see.

  13. Lovely nature photographs. So beautiful.

  14. The blue birds are so pretty. I did not know you had Yaks there!!!

  15. Wow..I don't think I have ever seen a Yak calf!

  16. We love our bluebirds too and have our same pair back as the last couple of years. The weather is more like winter than spring around here as we are getting snow this weekend.

  17. I love bluebirds, and those were my favorite pictures until I saw the yaks! I didn't even know yaks lived in the US. You always surprise and teach me something.

  18. Spring always seems so slow to really get here (we're getting a lot of cool rainy weather), but Mother Nature does know it's truly coming! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. We have never seen Yaks! Beautiful photos!


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