Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

We were busy working on a project, and the Runner needed to do something outside. Hachi normally keeps a close eye on all signs of movement outside and can obsess over them. So, the Runner asked me "to make sure that Hachi doesn't go crazy". About 15 minutes later, I realized that I'd forgotten my job. And, the house was scarily quiet. Puppy owners everywhere know what I mean by "scarily quiet".

I jumped up and searched for Hachi. Here was the sight that I found.
That photo gives you perspective on how close our two boys are. It seems that there's nothing that Hachi loves more than leaning on his brother.

It also shows how long his legs and body are. He has stretched out in the past month... yet, he is still only about 32 lbs.

I had to laugh at myself for visualizing a torn apart bedroom when I realized that the house was quiet. Instead, I found this angelic sleeping face.
To be fair, Hachi has destroyed almost nothing during his puppihood so far. Of course, I probably just jinxed his great streak - and will find something chewed up tomorrow. I hope not!

He has a good heart... and just needs to learn that the world isn't as scary as he thinks that it is.


  1. Hachi does have long legs.
    It's sweet that just when you think they are
    getting into something, your surprised by
    what you find. Astro and Mitzie keep us
    wondering whats next.

  2. how sweet they look when they sleep :O= we have a lot of chewed things this time, it seems Nelly has all stages of puppyhood he never had within one day now ...

  3. to precious for words. heartwarming sight

  4. That is such a sweetie face, we love you Hachi!

  5. Good Ol BLK Dog - What A Pair - Quite A Warming Moment There


  6. Hachi went to his comfort place...anywhere R is to cuddle with.

  7. R is a pillow of strength for his siblings...what a precious precious series of photos
    Once when talking about my grandcats with my daughter. I mentioned that Mia Tortie who has serious 'tude was quick to throw her 8 lbs around when her brudder 16 lbs got out of line. My daughter said she is but Mia is also the glue that holds everything together here. I thing that describes R too
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We were a bit afraid to hear what he had been up to as quiet is normally not good. How cool he is just hanging out with the big dog, doing what the big dog does.

  9. You are a good little boy, Hachi! I never destroyed anything as a puppy nor as an adult. Keep up the great work!

  10. Awww, he's a handsome pup for sure. I had to chuckle with the quiet part. I so remember that.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. ♥

  11. A bit like a bad car accident, quiet is not what any paramedic wants, noise of any kind is better. They are so close, and R is the best bigger brother of all to them both.

  12. We know very well that quiet feeling. What a sweetie Hachi is!!! Bet he was dreaming all about the wonderful home he has now!!!

  13. Sooooo sweet!!! We also know that it can be pretty scary when things get real quiet in a puppy household BOL!

  14. like a little colt! his puppyhood is just wonderful. but then look at his brother and sister!
    he couldn't lose. thank you for letting us all enjoy your life with them. it's so appreciated. xo

  15. We know all about that 'scarily quiet'. Glad he had his big brother to watch him. (Note: Bella didn't start her chewing until she was almost a year old....then anything wooden...was gnawed.)

  16. Puppies and little boys. Quite is never to be trusted. And it's always a relief and a joy to the heart to find what you did with Hachi.

  17. It sure looks like he's making progress...he's so peaceful! And yes, growing so fast!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. Hachi, you are such a sweet angel when you are sleeping - and we love you awake and peppy too!

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  20. Love that big red pillow!! Know that scary moment all too well. And here he was being innocent all along. So sweet. :)

  21. Ahhhhh kinda melts your heart.....

  22. OMD, what a good puppers!!!!! Hachi, I gots to admit, I was NOT as good as you my pal! BOL!!! Ma said she KNOWS that 'it's too quiet, where the hell is the puppy' feeling ~ usually it didn't end as well as yours did! heheheeee
    Ruby ♥

  23. good boy, Hachi! KB, did I ever tell you the story of Piper and my pirate pants?

  24. That FACE!!!!!! That angelic FACE!!!!!!!!
    PS: I know - silence is golden -- unless you have a puppy. LOL.

  25. How sweet it is this puppy love. He is so adorable.

  26. So much sweetness,, and love between them!


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